URM Service - User SO - Get Users Hello All, I'm implementing a custom user manager, and I've done it as described here : https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2blackpearl/icg/4.7/default.htm#Configure/UM-Changing.htm#RefreshUMc which is working fine, I can authenticate in the workspace using the new security label and retrieve the users, but I noticed that if I open the managed users worklist I do not see the subordinatesm, running the Smartobject methos "GetUsers" I noticed that in the manager field I get the Distinguished name instead the user name, and If I run the "Get User Details" method I get it correct, the manager's user name. This is my LDAP Mapping <K2LdapMapping K2Name="Manager" FullOnly="true" LdapName="manager" ObjectType="System.String" SearchQuery="(&(objectClass=Person)(objectCategory=User))" SearchResultProperty="samAccountName" /> I wonder someone knows a way to set and retreive the manager's user name instead the distiguished name in the "Get Users" methos os the User SO from URM service