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in K2 designer I would like to refresh a view list based on a value from a different view that is in the form.

my example when man days = 5 then show approver x in the views approvers list. if man days <= 4 then show all. What I need is a change event but am seeing it in designer, is this possible? this is a sharepoint list btw

Hi Craig Brook,


I assume Man Day's field is the trigger for you too refresh the approver's list. 


If the ManDay's Field is a Data Label/ Text Box control which is on another View, Then in Smart form follow the steps


1. Take a rule, when a control on a view executes a event and select that ManDay's field and select the Changed event

2. Take an advanced if condition and perform the validation of manDay's as per the reuirement. 

3. Now you can use filter on the data source of a list view so that it show only one user 



thanks for that!!! that worked perfect... I was thinking to complicated...
