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Sent Email double line break <br>instead of single

  • September 7, 2018
  • 2 replies
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I have been testing this today, and I have a small form that I am testing sending emails with.
First I render a small piece of HTML on a Rich Text Field, and then I transfer the raw HTML to a textarea to analyze it.

Something like:

The rendered HTML looks fine, and the code in the textarea look fine. When I email it though and Outlook receives it, every <br> is doubled, so the content is now: <span><br><br>test1<br><br>test2<br><br>test3<br><br>test4</span>

which of course renders with an extra line break. At first I thought it was outlook but the more I look into it, it seems that K2 sends it that way. Has anyone had this problem?

Thank you.
I assume there is no 4.7 fix for this right?


  • June 5, 2019

Hi  @davidedpg10;


For 4.7 ,the issue was addressed on K2 smartforms

latest CU (K2 4.7 March 2018 Cumulative Update) should also resolve the issue as here (






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