Process Linking Best Practice - Linking from one process to the next to create an end to end process
Hiya Nintex Community, I'm unable to find clear documentation on how to best utilise/best practices around process linking. This is important to include in Process Modelling Standards manual within the organisation I'm working for. Normally in process modelling I'd have a graphical represetation of a incoming process interface and outgoing process interface to that the entire end to end process is linked together i.e. a way to break-up a "Mega" process into smaller more manageable smaller processes that linked together create the entire end to end process. In Promapp, I can utilse: Triggers & Inputs for the incoming process interface Outputs & Targets for the outgoing process interface However, when I use this functionality there is no grpahical representation of the process interface on the map of the procedure: I find it good practice to graphical represent the both the incoming and outgoing process interfaces. Even though I have linked the processes in Inputs and Outputs, there is n