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I am unable to determine from the Help documentation what happens in the case where:

1/ Process Approval is configured 'on'

2/ The Process Owner is also the only Approver in the group the process is located

3/ Auto-publish is enabled


In this case, when the Process Owner releases the process for Approval, does the process auto-approve (because he/she is the only required approver for the group), or does that person still have to go in and as a separate action, approve the process as well? Or does some other condition affect this?



Hey @pboon - in this scenario, the process would publish to the next approved version upon submission for approval by the named Process Owner. No additional action will be required.

Hi. Thanks for reply.

If the config was for Publishing Approval required and the same person was also flagged as the Publisher for the group, then would they still need to 'send process for approval', and then go to their dashboard and 'publish' as a separate action?

And can you confirm that Publishing can only be a controlled activity if Auto approval is turned on? Meaning the config does not allow the combo of 'auto approvals' but still 'manual publication'.

Hey @pboon - Yes, that person would still need to publish as approval and publish are separate actions. 

Hey @pboon - when "auto process publish" is turned on, it essentially functions as a combo of auto publishing and manual publishing. This is because if a group has no assigned Process Publishers, the process will auto publish after approvals are made. However, if the group does have assigned Process Publishers, then a manual publish action will need to be taken. 
