Have a form check to see if the drop off location matches the scan location or else don't save Nintex Forms 2019 I have this library that retrieves files from a network share, it then drops the files off in SharePoint and creates the list item based off the XML text in the file. This file creates a work order that has the Requester, Priority, part number, QTy, Reason and most importantly the location the parts are to be dropped off called Drop Off Location. The individual filling the order is to walk it over to the area it is asking, and we want them to scan a barcode that confirms this is the correct location. This field is called Location Scan. There will be printed bar coded at these stations matching the Drop Off Location, how can I force it; either when they scan the barcode for Location Scan if it doesn’t match the drop off location, it displays a message that it’s at the wrong station.