Automating workflow designer applications (mouse select & drag)
Kryon community, I am totally new in Kryon and I was trying to recording some steps we do in a tool like a workflow designer. In one of the steps I want to automate, we move the mouse to a block, click on it (select it), and wait for the mouse cursor to change to a cross. The cross indicates we can draw a routing arrow to the next block in the workflow (please watch the design_example video attached). Basically the steps are click on the source block, move the mouse to the center of the block, the mouse cursor changes to a cross, click and drag the arrow to the destination block. I have tried the same in a known application like PowerPoint but it does not work either, the recording does not record all steps. (please watch the powerpoint_example video). If there is no way to do with recording, is there any way to do these steps with script? If yes, can I receive some example. Thanks in advance Robson Reis Rio de Janeiro - Brazil