Interested in what metrics from the database can be displayed in graphan for monitoring?
I found in the Kryon view sys.databases database in which there are fields with online, i.e. this is the real status of the database, which will change when
offline database?
Also interested in the number of connections to the database at the moment?
How much memory does the database need?
So far, I am just pulling out the following options on a dashboard: [Kryon]. [Dbo]. [LeoScriptsLibraries]
[Kryon]. [Dbo]. [View_AutomationClients]
SELECT LeoUsers.UserName
, LeoUserRoles.HasStudioPermission
, LeoUserRoles.HasPlayerPermission
, LeoUserRoles.HasConsoleUserPermission
, LeoUserRoles.HasConsoleAdminPermission
, LeoUserRoles.HasUnattendedRobotPermission
, LeoUserRoles.HasAutomationApiPermission
FROM [Kryon]. [Dbo]. [LeoUsers] INNER JOIN [Kryon]. [Dbo]. [LeoUserRoles]
ON LeoUsers.UserID = LeoUserRoles.UserID
But this table is not informative with 0 and 1.
SELECT Count (UserName) as 'count_users'
FROM [Kryon]. [Dbo]. [LeoUsers]