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Good Day,


Please kindly help me here. I am new in nintex.

We are licenced to build only 5 workflow steps for our SharePoint 2013 environment.

So how do we count workflow steps / what counts as a step in nintex workflow? 

We need to make ensure that we build workflows according to our licence limit.


Thanks in advance. 


Hi @Zinto_Mabaso,



"Simple Forms & Workflows
FREE with 5 actions or less

this would mean only 5 workflow actions. I'm not sure how they would count UDAs (User Defined Actions - frequently used set of actions providing some functionality)....


Nintex does not license workflows with action restrictions.
Subscription licensing is based on the number of workflows.
Any workflow that has 5 or more actions is counted toward the subscription.

Have you figured out how to count actions with powershell? If so caan you please share?

Is that sill correct? I thought that some specific actions are always counted as production workflow, even if the workflow contains less than 5 actions.
