Create a Nintex Community account
To get the best experience in Nintex Community and participate in forum discussions, you’ll need to create an account and stay logged in. Use the instructions below to create your Nintex Community account: In the top-right corner of the Nintex Community home page, click Login. Your browser will refresh, taking you to the Nintex Community login and account creation page. Click the Sign Up tab. Enter the following: Email We do not approve accounts registered with generic or disposable email services (e.g., Gmail, Hotmail, Live, Outlook, iCloud, Yahoo, Mailinator, TempMail, 10MinuteMail, Guerrilla Mail). Password Your password must meet the following criteria: At least eight (8) characters in length. Contain at least three (3) of the following four (4) types of characters: Lower case letters (a-z) Upper case letters (A-Z) Numbers (0-9) Special characters (e.g., !@#$%^&* ) First Name Last Name Click Sign Up. Your browser will refresh, taking you to the Set username screen. Enter the follow