Settings, on the Administration tab, allow you to customize the behavior of the AssureSign application. Settings are grouped by the area of AssureSign they primarily affect:
- Account Information
- Application Features
- Document Preferences
- Signing Customizations
- Signer Authentication
- DocumentNow Integration
- Notification Preferences
- Report Preferences
- Security Settings
Important: Certain settings may not be present when viewed from your account. Certain types of accounts may have more or less available configurations.
Account Information
These settings are used to modify general account information.
- Account Display Name: For display throughout the application and use within email communications
- Time Zone: For display of dates within report and the AssureSign site
- Default Language: Settable when your account has been configured to allow signing and administration in multiple languages
- General Help and Support: By default, account users have access to the AssureSign knowledge base and support from Help. Selecting enable here will allow you to select to configure to display custom support information on the help page:
- a custom support email address
- a custom support phone number
- a custom support URL
- Account-Specific Help and Support: In addition to the general help and support options, AssureSign also offers the ability to customize account-specific support options. Selecting enable here will allow you to:
- provide a support email address that will be used when users of that account are experiencing AssureSign login issues and choose to contact support.
- DocumentNOW
Account Context Identifier: displays the unique identifier for this account that will be required when setting up documents automatically through the DocumentNOW
interface in order to validate the request
- Site URL: the URL of the AssureSign endpoint. This is provided as a reference to help you configure external solutions to communicate with your AssureSign account by API.
Application Features
Application features enable or disable various application features: accounts, email designs, users, documents & templates.
- User Management: Allow or restrict access to create and administer users
- Multiple Account Access for Users?: Configurable when your account has been configured to allow floating users (see Users for information on the concept of floating users)
- Role Management: Allow or restrict access to create and administer roles
- Settings Configuration: Allow or restrict access to modify settings
- Child Account Management: Allow or restrict access to create and administer sub accounts
- Direct Management of Users, Roles, and Accounts for Child Accounts: Allow or restrict access to create and administer users, roles and account for child account and view documents that belong to child accounts
- Email Design: Allow or restrict access to create and administer email designs
- DocumentTRAK: Allows you to determine whether or not to enable custom web service notifications and automated web service or FTP transmission of completed documents.
- Document Templates: Allow or restrict access to create and administer document templates
- Document Envelopes: Determines whether or not multiple documents can be grouped into a single envelope.
- External Signature Device Support: Specifies whether or not documents or templates can be configured to allow written JotBlocks to be signed using an external signature device such as a signing pad
- Data Export: Set to Yes to allow users with access to the Administration tab to be able to use the bulk Data Export tool
- Signer Payment: Currently, AssureSign supports integrations with MagTek payment services, using the EDynamo device. When payments is enabled on an account, you must enter your credentials for accessing your MagTek account - including your Customer Code - and select your Processor. Additionally, you may enter your merchant information that is used in the body of payment receipts applied to documents or used via merge fields. When this has been configured, payments may be added to the signing process using Simple Setup envelopes and templates.
- In Person Signing in Simple Setup: When in person signing is enabled, you will be able to turn on "All In Person Signing" in Simple Setup templates. When this is turned on for a Simple Setup template, at the conclusion of sending a Simple Setup envelope via a Simple Setup template in the online web application you will be presented with the signing links for signers who may sign in the first step. To allow in person signing with ad hoc (non template) envelopes, also enable "In Person Signing in Simple Setup Ad Hoc Envelopes".
- In Person Signing in Simple Setup Ad Hoc Envelopes: When "In Person Signing in Simple Setup" has been enabled, you will be able to choose whether this feature should be available for use when sending Simple Setup envelopes without the use of a template.
- Enable Conditional Logic: When Conditional Logic is enabled you will be able to create IF/THEN condition handlers to disable and enable JotBlocks during signing based on the state of other JotBlocks. Conditional logic is available only in the Simple Setup document and template designer.
- Enable Static Links: When the Static Links feature is enabled you will be able to configure Simple Setup templates to be presented to signers without using API calls. You may use the link you create to embed in a website you host, or you may directly send signers the link. This feature is not available on all plans.
Document Preferences
Document preferences allow you to control default options and behaviors for documents.
- Require Passwords for Access to Completed Documents: This allows the admin to set passwords to completed documents. In order for anyone to view the document a password would have to be entered.
- Default Expiration Warning Period: The default number of days in advance of the expired date that a document expiration warning email will be sent
- Default Number of Days Until Document Expiration: The default number of days that documents that have not been completed will be available to be signed before they expire (1-365 days.)
- Enforce Typed Parameter Validation: Specifies whether or not typed parameter validation is enforced for document setup manually through the web interface or automatically through DocumentNOW integration
- Document Link Expiration Configuration: You may specify how long signing links and access links to documents (such as those sent in signing completed emails) remain active. The recommended best practice is to specify an expiration date for all signing and document access links. Avoiding the use of permanent links to documents plays an important role in helping ensure the security and privacy of your data. Note that this is also a requirement for certain security compliance standards such as PCI. You may specify individual settings for:
- Signing Link - links specific to signatories on a given document or envelope
- Original Document Link - link to the document as it existed prior to signing
- Interim Document Link - link to the document as it might be if signing has started but has not yet completed
- Completed Document Link - link to the document after signing has been completed
Note: AssureSign clients configured prior to AssureSign version 4.4 will default to no expiration of links.
- Default Port Number for External Signature Device Support: Specifies the port number AssureSign will use for communication with the LocalSign application for external signature device support
- Default Pen Color for Drawn Signature JotBlocks: In designers, drawn JotBlocks will default to this color. If you allow users to change this, it may be modified in designers.
- Allow Users To Change Pen Color For Drawn Signatures: Determines whether or not users can change pen color for drawn JotBlocks
- Make New JotBlocks Typed By Default: Specifies whether or not new JotBlocks should be configured to accept typed input from a keyboard by default (classic setup only)
- Make Typed JotBlocks Certified By Default: Specifies whether typed JotBlocks should be certified by default
- Default Font for New Typed Certified JotBlocks: Specifies font to be used by default when adding a new typed certified JotBlock when designing a template or new document. This may be modified at the JotBlock level (classic setup only)
- Make Signature JotBlocks Certified By Default: Specifies whether written JotBlocks are certified by default
- Set Default Typed Instructions: specifies the default instructions offered to signers for Typed JotBlocks
- Set Default Signature Instructions: specifies the default instructions offered to signers for Signature JotBlocks
- Set the Default Signature Style Option: in simple setup, the initial style of Signature and Initials JotBlocks picked for a signer
- Typed: new signers will be set to type their signature
- Drawn: new signers will be set to draw their signature
- Selectable: new signers may select the type of signature they would like to apply
- Allow Signature Style Override: determines whether account users may change the signature style applied to new signers from the default
- Automatically Delete Finalized Documents After How Many Days? - Optionally configures AssureSign to automatically delete documents a set number of days after the document has been finalized (completed, cancelled, declined, expired, etc). A value of '0' indicates that documents will not be automatically deleted. This setting is retroactive. Meaning, it will effect any current and future documents stored within the AssureSign portal.
- Allow Users to Delete Documents? - Determines whether or not users will be able to delete documents for this account using the document details page in the administration portal or via the DocumentNow API.
Signing Customizations
Signing customizations allow for configuration of the display and behavior of the signing process.
- Enable Signing Downloads?: Determines whether links to documents or attachments are displayed
- Enable Signer Submission of Questions or Feedback?: Determines whether signers are able to submit feedback or questions to the document originator
- Enable Signers to Decline Signing?: Determines whether signers are provided an option to explicitly decline signing a document
- Require Feedback When Signing is Declined?: Determines whether signers are required to send feedback when declining to sign a document
- Custom Signing Process Redirect URL: Optionally specifies a custom URL that signers should be redirected to upon signing process completion
- Suppress URL Parameters When Redirecting?: When redirection after signing is used -- either using the Custom Signing Process Redirect URL or by passing in a redirect URL via API -- set this to Yes to not pass a standard list of parameters on the URL
- Color Theme - Primary Color: Primary color used during the signing process
- Page Header - Display Mode: Specifies display options for signing process
- Display header with both a logo and configurable text
- Display header with only a logo
- Display header with only configurable text
- Do not display header
- Page Header - Custom Logo: Allows for upload of a custom logo up to 1 mb with the file extension gif, jpg, jpeg or png. Note: the maximum height of the image display area during signing is 70px. Images over 70px high will be scaled preserving the aspect ratio to fit the size of the image display area. While we do not specify a maximum width, we recommend the logo be no wider than 200px so that it will render equally well on all device sizes.
- Page Header - Text: Text displayed in the page header during the signing process
- Welcome Page - Welcome Message: The welcome message displayed with a signer first arrives on the signing page
- Welcome Page - Signer Instructions When No Authentication Is Required: The instructions displayed to the signer after the welcome message when authentication is not required
- Welcome Page - Signer Instructions When Authentication Is Required: The instructions displayed to the signer after the welcome message when authentication is required
- Welcome Page - Enable Display of Signing Options List?: Sets whether or not a brief list of the available signing options is displayed after the welcome message
- Finish Page - Signing Complete but Document Still in Progress Message: The message displayed after a signer completes signing but others have not yet completed their signing steps
- Finish Page - Signing in Progress for Other Signers Message: The message displayed when a document or envelope is configured with sequential workflow and a signer accesses the signing process before previous signers have completed their signing steps
- Finish Page - Signing Complete and Document Completed Message: The message displayed when a signer completes the signing process and the document is complete
- Finish Page - Document Cancelled Message: The message displayed to a signer accessing a signing link when the document has been cancelled
- Finish Page - Document Declined by Current Signer Message: The message displayed to the signer when they have declined the signing process
- Finish Page - Document Declined by Another Signer Message: The message displayed to the signer accessing the signing page when another signer has declined the signing process
- Finish Page - Document Expired Message: The message displayed to the signer accessing the signing page for a document that has expired
- Finish Page - Document Cancelled Due to Signer Authentication Failure Message: The message displayed when a document is cancelled due to authentication failure
- Finish Page - Document Cancelled Due to Another Signer Failing Authentication Message: The message displayed to a signer when the document has been cancelled due to another signer's authentication failure
- Allow Customization of Terms and Conditions: Specifies whether or not the terms and condition the signer will agree to prior to signing can be customized
- Terms and Conditions: The terms and condition the signer will agree to prior to signing when customization is allowed
- Digital Signing of Completed Documents: When set to "Digitally sign completed documents" completed documents will be signed with an AssureSign certificate at the conclusion of the electronic signature workflow.
- Enable Signers to Delegate Signing: When set to "Yes", signers may be configured so that they will be able to delegate signing to another party on envelopes created through Simple Setup templates.
- Allow Signer Delegation on Ad-hoc Envelopes: When set to "Yes", signers may be configured so that they will be able to delegate signing to another party on envelopes created through Simple Setup ad hoc envelopes (envelopes created without using a template).
Signer Authentication
These settings control default options and behaviors for signer authentication.
- Require Signatory Passwords: Determines whether or not a signatory will always be required to enter a password to access the signing sessions
- Default Signatory Password Prompt: The default prompt to display, overridable at the document or template level, to a signer required to enter a password
- Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA): determines whether or not a signatory can be authenticated through a Knowledge Based Authentication mechanism
- Knowledge Based Authentication Prompt: The default prompt to display to a signer when KBA is required
- Knowledge-based Authentication Quiz Failure Message: The message to display to a signer when KBA fails
- Knowledge-based Authentication Subject Lookup Failure Message: The message to display to a signer when the initial lookup of data for a customer fails
- Reauthentication Password Support: when Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) is being used, enabling this setting will result in a signer being presented with a document-specific signing password after completing KBA.
- SMS two-factor authentication support: when two-factor for signers has been added to your account, this setting will be visible and may be modified on sub-accounts.
- SMS two-factor authentication lifetime: when two-factor for signers has been enabled, this setting may be set to None, 24 Hours, or 48 Hours. When 24 Hours or 48 Hours is set, signers who receive a two-factor code to sign an envelope may choose to remain authenticated on that device for the set number of hours.
These setting govern automation of the document creation process through the DocumentNOW interface.
- Enable DocumentNOW
Integration: specifies whether or not DocumentNOW
integration can be used to automating the document setup process
- Enable Document Creation for Child Accounts Through DocumentNOW
Integration: governs whether or not DocumentNOW
integration can be used for creating documents for child accounts using the parent accounts Context Identifier
- Default File Retrieval Credential (DocumentNOW
): specifies the default credentials that AssureSign should use for authentication when retrieving underlying files for documents submitted through the DocumentNOW
interface via a SubmitWithFileRetrieval call
- Allow Immediate Presentment on Document Templates: specifies whether or not classic document templates can be setup for immediate presentment
Notification Preferences
Options and settings governing email and DocumentTRAK communications.
- Use sender's email address and name as the reply to and email label: when set to Yes, the name of the user submitting the document will be used in the email display to the recipient, and the reply to address will be the email address of the user. When this is set to no, the values in the settings "Account REPLY-TO Email Address" and "Account Displayed Name on Emails" will be used.
- Account REPLY-TO Email Address: this will be used as the reply to address on emails sent from this account when "Use sender's email address and name as the reply to and email label" is set to No.
- Account Displayed Name on Emails: this will be used as the displayed from value on emails sent from this account when "Use sender's email address and name as the reply to and email label" is set to No.
- Send Emails as High Priority: Determines whether or not emails sent on behalf of this account during the document signing process are sent as high priority emails.
- DocumentTRAK Credential: Specifies the credentials that AssureSign should use when sending custom web service notifications or distributing completed documents using a web service or FTP transport. You may elect to use this centrally set credential in DocumentTRAK designs, or you may also provide credentials for use only for a specific DocumentTRAK design. This setting must be set when integrating with Salesforce through our solution for Salesforce.
- SMTP Configuration for Email Activity: Available in on-premises installations only for local email server connections.
Report Preferences
Controls default options and behaviors of reports.
- Expose Signing Link: Determines whether or not document signing links will be exposed on the document detail page (generally only made available when an account manually provides signing links through some internal process to their signers)
Security Settings
Settings related to passwords and security may be modified by visiting the Settings at after signing in. More information is available here.