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AssureSign + Drawloop documentation

This article is just for AssureSign for Salesforce, if you're looking for more documentation on how to setup the integration between Nintex AssureSign and Nintex Drawloop DocGen for Salesforce check out these articles:





To access "DocumentNOW®️ Integration" settings, go to the "Administration" tab, click on settings, and look for the "DocumentNOW®️ Integration" heading.

See the DocumentNOW documentation for guidance on API usage.

DocumentNOW API Authentication

Authentication with the DocumentNOW API involves several elements, depending on the method being called.

  • Context Identifier or API key
  • A transaction ID (Document ID or Envelope ID) and corresponding transaction authentication token (Document Auth Token or Envelope Auth Token).

In some cases a valid AssureSign Username (email address) may be required.

From a best practices perspective, in cases where all of the users are defined within AssureSign (i.e. AssureSign integration is not just making use of a single API user), the recommended best practice is to make use of the Authenticate User API method that accepts user credentials for authentication. This method then returns a list of the accounts to which the authenticated user has access - including the Context Identifier for each account which can then be used to make subsequent API calls. This is ideal as it means that the account Context Identifiers do not need to be shared or preserved outside of AssureSign.

In cases where a single API user is used, the unique account Context Identifier (API key) and relevant transaction IDs can be used for authentication. Care should be taken to ensure that the Context Identifier is protected and not shared too broadly.


Context Identifier

Most of the DocumentNOW V2 API methods require use of a unique Context Identifier which functions as a unique API key for that account. This API key should not be broadly shared with users as it is one of the critical elements required when authenticating with and using the DocumentNOW API.  This value is displayed on the Administration Tab's settings section.

Note:  V3.0+ DocumentNOW methods require the use of API Users.

Default File Retrieval Credential (DocumentNOW®️)

The DocumentNOW interfaces provide some methods where a location is sent to the AssureSign system from which to retrieve a pre-created document to use for the signing process. In these cases, we recommend authentication information be required to access the network location the submissions specify. If the credential information may vary across documents, then a “Credential” element containing Username, Password and Domain may be specified in the XML. If the credential information will be consistent for all network retrieval of documents than we recommend the credentials be specified at the account level by using the "Default File Retrieval Credential (DocumentNOW®️)" settings.

Allow Immediate Presentment on Document Templates?

The “Allow Immediate Presentment on Document Templates?” setting need not be varied unless you have built a front end system that integrates via DocumentNOW and your AssureSign users may initiate a mix of document types for signing. “Immediate Presentment” is the concept of presenting documents for signatures inline within an existing business flow; this may include:

  • online sales where a signing session is automatically initiated following order entry or pre-qualification and an email invitation to sign need not be sent to the signer
  • face to face transactions where a salesperson may initiate signing following a sales process and obtaining an immediate signature is the most effective means of closing a deal

“Immediate Presentment”, while requiring technical resources on the part of your organization, often is the best scenario for completing transactions. However, if AssureSign users should not be allowed to present certain documents for immediate presentment, then the templates used to initiate those documents should be marked “No” on the template setting “Allow Immediate Presentment”. If this setting, “Allow Immediate Presentment on Document Templates?” is marked no, then that will not even be an option.

Set “Allow Immediate Presentment on Document Templates?” to “Yes” when you will be using “Immediate Presentment”.

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