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We are upgrading from SharePoint 2013 to Nintex Automation Cloud.  We have several Query XML functions that formatted the XML data in a column tied to a repeating section into an HTML table that could be added to the body of an email using an XSLT template.  After the upgrade, the option to process the query using XSLT is no longer available in the Nintex Automation Cloud action for Query XML.  Does anyone know the best way to accomplish the same thing in Nintex Automation Cloud?

Hi @clrowe1124,

There is currently no ootb function to process xml using xslt as you have found. You could look to use logic in the workflow to build the html from the xml, the following guide has an example.


Yes, I did find the articles after posting my question and followed them to create my solution.  Very disconcerting that what used to be 2 actions (one to query for all the values and one to build the HTML table) have exploded out to 20 or more just to get the same functionality as the Nintex 2013 product.  Not looking forward to having to do this for every workflow that used the Query XML functionality.

Hi @clrowe1124 

Here is another solution to create the HTML using Form controls only


Thank you.  In this case, I needed the HTML for an email that was sent as part of the workflows, but I’ll save this in my notes in case I need it for a future application.  We are using SharePoint so still in Nintex Forms for O365 for most of our forms, but this would work well in an approval workflow that has the task form in Automation Cloud.

Easy. Just save the generated HTML into a SP column (as Plain Note or Text-Long type).

If your Start Event is the O365 Form, then the value (of the HTML Table) should be easily available from Start Event → “Table” field.
