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Hi - I’ve been studying for the Nintex Process Mapping Practitioner - Author exam and have failed 4 times by 1 question. Any suggestions for additional training? It seems like there are multiple ways to do certain things and I keep selecting the wrong answer. I have 3 more tries to pass it. Any suggestion? 


thank you

Hopefully @Nintex_Sam can assist with additional info! 

That would be great! @Nintex_Sam any suggestions would be very appreciated.

Hello, @ericahi - 

I’ll reach out via private message.



I’m in a similar situation. I watched all the videos and have been using Promapp since October and I failed too many times and now I can’t attempt it anymore.

It would have been helpful to know where I was going wrong because it was probably the same questions every time and I didn’t know.

I agree. @Nintex_Sam said that if you fail 7 times and get locked out that they can reset it for you. 

HI there, i’ve also experienced this. I’ve found it hard to know the exact courses that relate to this CERT. I’ve missed out by a couple of questions each time. I have got slowly a couple more correct after reviewing, but I can’t work out where i’m going wrong. 

Good day @ericahi and @ashleigh39 -

I have rewritten the practitioner certification exam, which is out for subject-matter expert review. I’m hoping to get it updated next week. I’ll notify this thread as well as make a broad post about it in the blog section of Community.

Thank you Sam

Knowing where I was going wrong would have been beneficial because I didn't know that the questions were probably the same every time.

Good day @henry123, @ericahi@ashleigh39, and @Ali_h!

The updated certification exam Nintex Process Mapping Practitioner - Author has been published to Nintex University! This update includes updated content, simplified language, and the removal of confusing questions/answers.

You can find the course here.


This update will also be part of my weekly content announcement in the News section, but I wanted to update you all here, too.  If you have any questions, please reach out via private message.

 I’ve found it hard to know the exact courses that relate to this CERT.


Yes, could someone please put a list of the courses to take for Promapp/Process Manager certification?

 @Tony. - 

We are updating our Process Manager content to better align to roles vs the Practitioner and Expert designations. We are close to completing the Learning Path for Process Editors, and you’ll see a change in the exams to match - including the appropriate exam in the Learning Path. It’s a bit of a mess, as both current exams cover a wide range of courses, some of which have already been retired (don’t worry - the subject matter is still here - it’s just better). 

It's different from the exact answer you were hoping for, but it is a vision of the method to our madness. It is also a better one than “just take all the courses,” as no one wants to go through more than necessary to get the job done.

My team and I always appreciate this feedback, so please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have more.





Thanks for the quick reply Sam.

Could you give me your best guess of courses to take while you and your team work on the particulars?

I mean could you map out which ones for each track please as it stands now?

Also, do you have a time frame for when you aim for these Learning Paths to be published? 

I’m glad the Process editor is almost done, when will that be?


Kind Regards,




We appreciate your feedback, as it is a valuable tool for us to enrich our content and create a better learning experience. I am currently updating all our Process Manager learning content. You can expect the Editor's path to be published soon, with the items indicated in blue below. In the interim, please follow this order:

Nintex University - Process Manager Course List

  • Learning Path: Process Manager Essentials for Beginners
  • Why map processes?

  • What is a process map?

  • Process Writing Techniques

  • Build your process mapping foundation

  • Improve your process mapping

  • Work with tags

  • Process Approval Workflow - Editors

  • Process Variant Management for Process Editors

  • Process Group Management - Process Champions

  • Promapp Administration Basics - Promasters

  • Process Mapping Advanced Features - Promasters

  • Process Approval Workflow Configuration - Promasters

  • Process Variant Management for Promasters

  • Process Improvements - All Users

  • Process Improvements - Promasters and Champions

  • Introduction to Onboarding and Training - All Users

  • Onboarding and Training - Promasters and Champions

  • Introduction to Risk and Compliance Add-on - All Users

  • Risk and Compliance - Risk Managers and Owners

The above should give you all the information needed to be successful on your learning journey and to obtain the certifications. Remember, we are on the journey of updating our content, so please check out Content Corner for updates. Please reach out if you need anything!

Thanks @Nintex_Wasim  I appreciate it.


Hi Wasim,

I wanted to follow up and see if the list above is still current? I’ve completed the begginers and Editors track. Is the Promaster track this one? 

  • Process Group Management - Process Champions
  • Promapp Administration Basics - Promasters
  • Process Mapping Advanced Features - Promasters
  • Process Approval Workflow Configuration - Promasters
  • Process Variant Management for Promasters
  • Process Improvements - All Users
  • Process Improvements - Promasters and Champions
  • Introduction to Onboarding and Training - All Users
  • Onboarding and Training - Promasters and Champions
  • Introduction to Risk and Compliance Add-on - All Users
  • Risk and Compliance - Risk Managers and Owners


Thanks for reaching out! 
I will update this list by the end of February, incorporating the new Promaster Learning Path: Process Manager Learning Paths and Course Updates

In the interim, I would suggest completing the following: 

  • Process Group Management - Process Champions
  • Promapp Administration Basics - Promasters
  • Process Mapping Advanced Features - Promasters
  • Process Approval Workflow Configuration - Promasters
  • Process Variant Management for Promasters

Hope this helps 😀

Ok Great Wasim, look forward to it 😁
