Hi RTC, The published Process and the Minimode link should both look the same! So there is something going on there, and I am going to ask you to submit a support case on this so the team can look into it and we can raise this with the development team - we need to work out if the map view or the minimode view is incorrect. (If I was going to place a bet on it, I would probably bet its the minimode that wrong! But we'll see).
When you submit your support case (support@nintex.com), feel free to mention/provide a link to this thread, so the support engineer can see these details, and provide login access to support to your site, and a link to this Process so they can investigate.
You can see the text below from the help, that explains when conditional arrows show as bidirectional, going to the Linked Process, or going from the Linked Process. Which of these situations applies to your process?
The map view of a process displays the conditional process link having bidirectional arrows. However, if the linked conditional process is assigned as an input to the process, the bidirectional arrow changes to one directional, with the arrow pointed into the process flow. Similarly, assigning the linked conditional process as output changes the bidirectional arrow to one directional with the arrow pointing outwards from the process flow. In the case that the conditional process is an input and output to the process, the arrows display as bidirectional.