Hi Sandy,
Happy New Year :)
You could use the List Lookup control on the form to do a query on another list and display the information.
Do you know why they have so many fields on that list? Is it absolutely necessary?
You can have a bunch of controls on the form that aren't linked to fields and where needed, a workflow can query the data inside the form, rather than having so many fields on the list itself.
Thanks for your quick reply. I am also thinking on the same lines. However, company mentioned that they have different sections which are required.
We are in very initial stage and will make a final decision in 2-3 days.
But I am very happy that you replied to my query !!
What Vadim Tabakman wrote is a really good solution. You have to review the columns list and decide if some of them can be considered as dictionary values for example. For such columns you should then create separate lists and use the lookup. This will also makes your workflow/ process data easier to maintain.
Maybe you can also find separable sub-processes in your workflow? Then you could create a separate list for each sub-process and trigger them one after another, using the "Start workflow" action.
Depending on how much the data within the list is going to grow, I would question whether SharePoint is the correct solution for this.
255 columns in a normal database table would be one very big, flat and unwieldy table, put that in SharePoint and it becomes more so.
Sounds to me like what you are now doing by breaking up the list into smaller lists is normalizing it and as we know SharePoint is not a relational database tool.
Have a good think about where this might head in the future. Whilst you might be able to manage the relationships between the tables now, will this be possible if the solution develops further. It might be worth looking at this as a database solution rather than a SharePoint solution.
Also, check out the column type limits here. This is for SharePoint 2013, but I believe similar limitations exist in O365
This is an interesting problem to say the least, because no matter what you do you will tend to run into one size limitation or another - even if you do resort to pulling in data from other places into a single form, your form could crash due to the amount of data.
You might want to consider building a series of forms, connected by a workflow, and then you could use task forms along the way to collect data and stash that data along the way (to either different lists, or to a data base). A data base table might be ideal, because you could then use a reporting tool that would be better suited to produce output that could be visually reviewed.
SP is great at a lot of things, but there are a few cases that make fitting it to a solution challenging.
Here is an article that describes the size limitations (pertaining to items) and some other interesting stats:
SharePoint Server 2010 capacity management: Software boundaries and limits
Hi Mike M Ryan Greenaway Tomasz Poszytek Vadim Tabakman
Thanks a ton for your valuable inputs.
I had to study this complicated form due to no of columns.
I found that 67 columns were the primary columns.
When a drop down item is selected (such as specific Database), other selections within a form with more fields such as SQL Server, Oracle, MySql etc as options is shown.
I need to make some more lists with lookup fields for this primary list with 67 columns and make solution more easier to maintain and scalable.
Any suggestion from experts?
I would break down the form into sections/tabs. Each section would be a different list. The first section that is created would have the automated ID that would be used in the other lists to pull the information together. I definitely would still try to reduce any fields that aren't necessary because that is still a lot of fields.
Thanks burkslm for inputs,
I found that there are redundant data in one of major section in that huge 255 columns list.
List stores a specific configuration for product.
For e.g. Product A has specific configuration and each configuration has exact same 25 columns (column Color of Prod A: “Green”, Material used: “Laminate Flooring” etc.) Product B has specific configuration and each configuration has 25 columns (column Color of Product B: “Blue”, Material used: “Hardwood Flooring” etc.)
I am making 2 lists to separate.
a) One list for Products with one column. For e.g. Product list with 4 products. Product A, B, C and D.
b) Second list with all Products Configuration and Product lookup.
However, in the Main form (Project Name, Customer Name, Product Category etc.) I need to present all the Products and their related configuration to end users.
For e.g. Two entries in current form looks this in Main form:
1) Project Name: Riverside View Condo , Customer Name: John Smith , Product Category (Drop Down): Duplex house, Product: A, Color: Green, Material: Laminate Flooring etc.
2) Project Name: Skyline Condo , Customer Name: Alex Yew , Product Category (Drop Down): Penthouse , Product: D, Color: Blue, Material: Hardwood Flooring etc.
I am thinking to use concatenate “Products” and “Products Configuration” in the main form. For e.g. Material_Hardwood_Flooring_ProductA in the main form.
Using this technique I will be significantly reduce the number of columns.
Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Guys,
The environment is Office 365 and I guess there is no way to touch the access the database. #greenawayr The only option is have some kind of “relational database” using a couple of lists with list lookup. The solution design is pretty bad by previous partner and we have to re-design the form.
Current list has 255 columns and I found that there are redundant columns which could be reduced.
Current list has linked to 8 simple approval workflows that run in sequence. Mike M you suggested to have built a series of forms. The similar advise is given by Sean Feeney Nintex video as well in terms of optimizing the performance of the Nintex form. List lookup limit is 8 for a list. The form should NOT be larger than 500K in size.
- Sean suggested if have a very lengthy form and break into individual task forms & then collect that data. Data can be viewed by others to see at different portion of workflow.
- If it’s a single user, he further explains that although its large a FORM, it’s a right way to build the form.
- If there are certain portion that has to be filled by individuals, then we need integrate forms with workflow.
In our new form re-design, staff members will be large part of form with 67 columns. So I will choose 3 option. I can’t reduce the columns further as these information are key columns for the Form and then they go for further approvals for different departments such as
Project office manager: with exact same 25 columns. Previous partner has named columns approver comment, Database etc. as Approver_Comment_A, Database_A etc.
Requestor Review: with exact same 25 columns. Previous partner has named columns approver comment, Database etc. as Approver_Comment_B, Database_B
Program manager: with exact same 25 columns. Previous partner has named columns approver comment, Database etc. as Approver_Comment_C, Database_C etc.
Closure approval: : with exact same 25 columns. Previous partner has named columns approver comment, Database etc. as Approver_Comment_D, Database_D etc.
I want to use a main list with 67 columns to be main form and other lists (don’t finalized the list names yet). The reporting can be used.
I will planning to use 4 new lists like
- Project office manager with 25 columns with lookup within the main list.
- Requestor Review with 25 columns with lookup within the main list.
- Program manager with 25 columns with lookup within the main list.
- Closure approval: with 25 columns with lookup within the main list.
Q: Is above list design okay or you experts have better advice on list design?
Q: How do I create task forms for new lists? Any walk through would beneficial
Thanks a ton for your help in advance.
I need your expert comments on this.
Hi Sandy,
To offer a quick reply for question two, you design the task forms on the task actions themselves from within the workflow. Assign a Task for example will allow you to edit the associated Nintex form from within its configuration. So unlike a list form where you are editing the form directly on top of the list, you will instead edit the Nintex form from within the workflow itself, on the Assign a Task action itself. Let me know if you need further instruction.
As for the overall architecture, I'd have to take a closer look and examine it a bit more in depth. I've got to run at the minute but hopefully I can get back to this, if not someone else may chime in.
Mike M
Thanks for your valuable insights.
"So unlike a list form where you are editing the form directly on top of the list, you will instead edit the Nintex form from within the workflow itself, on the Assign a Task action itself. Let me know if you need further instruction."
I am not able to visualize the approach. Is it possible to for some simple instructions for me? Sorry about that.
- Mike M primarily, I would be have more lists in my design. The project has been already started. I came with the following lists for far:
- Main List (with 67 Columns)
- Database (25 columns and lookup to the main list)
- Project office manager with 25 columns and lookup to the main list.
- Requester Review with 25 columns and lookup to the the main list.
- Program manager with 25 columns and lookup to the the main list.
- Closure approval: with 25 columns with lookup within the main list.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Vadim Tabakman Tomasz Poszytek burkslm Ryan Greenaway
Hi guys,
I was talking to a senior engineer who has in Nintex more experience than me today. He suggested to use repeating section for this kind of scenario. So, I will have following form design
- Main List (with 67 Columns)
- Repeating section Database column with 25 controls.
- Repeating section Project office manager column with 25 controls
- Repeating section Requester Review column with 25 controls.
- Repeating section Program manager column with 25 controls
- Repeating section Closure approval column with 25 controls.
Please let me this approach with repeating sections with 72 columns within a Nintex form.
Thank you!!
You'll need to think about how much data will get entered into these repeating sections. We had a form which contained a large amount of data in repeating sections and we experienced performance issues to the extent where we had to increase a timeout limit in the web.config which is definitely not ideal.
Ryan Greenaway Thanks a ton for your insight and about performance. Company is using SharePoint Online. Last partner had exactly the same performance issue due to number of columns. its MY FIRST Nintex project and want to deliver the project successfully.
"You can have a bunch of controls on the form that aren't linked to fields and where needed, a workflow can query the data inside the form, rather than having so many fields on the list itself"
Vadim Tabakman Do you mean I use Repeating section and not linked to fields? Can you please advise if using splitting lists and using repeating sections for could be potential solution??
Please advice experts!.
What Ryan mentioned about repeating section size is correct. I just ran a test the other day to see how much data it took in order to get a form to fail and so I placed 4 text boxes inside a repeating section and it handled 200 rows OK (though it slowed down a bit). Then I placed another repeating section on the form with a choice, two check boxes, and a yes/no control and gave them all default values for 300 rows - between the two repeating sections that was 500 rows and the form completely crashed and would not load. I know this isn't scientific benchmarking as the kinds of controls and data within them will affect this number but I thought it was interesting non the less.
Just as an aside, when your controls are inside of a repeating section they do not hook up to a backing list column. You will need to parse the data out of the repeating sections in order to retrieve the individual values from the XML that is stored. This is not to say that it isn't the right approach, only wanted to make you aware of this fact.
We had more controls in our repeating sections and far fewer rows required to crash it.
That would do the trick the as well. I've seen an on-prem one crash with 17 rows with quite a few controls so good point.
Hi experts,
I am deep diving the current Nintex form (developed by past partner) which as more than 250+ columns and loading time is around 30 seconds.
There are 7 sections in the farm.
- General: 8 columns (Request Number is main column, Requested Date, Requested by (Current user), Current Date etc. )
- Project Info: 16 columns (Project description, Project Category, Project Category etc. )
- Commercial Info: 19 columns (Product Life, Yearly Quantity, Customer Information etc. )
- Supply Chain Info: 5 Columns (Delivery type, customer location etc. )+ Base Option (25 Columns, lighting, connectivity, database etc. )
- Product Specifications: 4 Columns (Battery type, battery size etc.)
- Other Info: 5 Columns (Certification, Protocol etc. )
- Requestor Comments: 2 Columns
The minimum columns for the form are 84 columns.
However, Supply Chain Info section has 5 columns and base information product with 25 columns. Columns types includes 5 radio buttons, 7 drop down lists, 2 checkboxes and remaining are single line of text.
User also have different options within the form and can select Option A, B and C. All the options have exactly same information as base option with 25 columns as base information with(5 radio buttons, 7 drop down lists, 2 checkboxes and remaining are single line of text)
Past partner has created columns like this:
Option A (25 Columns) | Display_A | Database_A | Protocol_A etc. |
Option B (25 Columns) | Display_B | Database_B | Protocol_B etc. |
Option C (25 Columns) | Display_C | Database_C | Protocol_C etc. |
Furthermore, if a user select Option A and selects a specific database, then that database itself has 30 more columns subsequent configuration about the product.
For e.g.
User select Option A from the Supply Chain Info section>> Selects few items within form >> Selects a Database named “ABC” from dropdown >> Nintex form shows 30 more columns for that database.
Approvals are done by different users across the globe in an approval chain and there are 5 approvals. Each approver has 6 columns (Date time, radio button, 2 People and Groups, 2 multiple line).
They are indicated Part 2 Approvers, Part 3 Approvers etc. within the form for each 7 sections as described above.
So 30 more columns for approval sections as well
This is how the list is designed by last partner. I need to make the form more manageable so that current customer does face the error with improved performance.
This is my design:
- Split the lists.
- Main list with Request Number, Requester etc.
- I guess splitting the bigger sections such as Supply Chain Info, Project specification (Option A, Option B, Option C)
- Splitting Project Category and Commercial Info. Use lookups for main list.
- Separate list for Database as might can reach 90 columns if use selects all the Options A, B, and C.
- Still considering which form I can use Repeating section.
Any guidance in the better approach of splitting the lists/repeating section would be highly appreciated.
Hi Experts ..
Having 25 controls (5 Radio Button, 7 Single Line, 10 Drop down, 3 Checkboxes etc ) in a repeating section will slow the Form's performance?
With design this could be maximum 4 repeating sections i.e. 100 controls in 4 repeating section wthin a single form. Not all repeating sections will be used and dependent on product design
Anyone has experience in these large forms or any advice to manage lists or repeating section?
Thanks in advance.
Mike M Ryan Greenaway
Those particular controls won't be particularly resource hungry, but lookups and people pickers will be more so.
It does sound like a form that could hit performance issues.
you created a troublesome form didn't you? Anything more to add to this?
Thanks a ton Ryan Greenaway
Paul Crawford can you please advice on this?
I came up with this list design
Lists Design
List Names | Columns |
Main List | 8 Columns |
Project Information and lookup to main list | 16 Columns |
Commercial Information and lookup to main list | 19 Columns |
Supplier Chain Information and lookup to main list | 5 Columns |
Options and lookup to main list | · 4 Columns (Basic Option, Option A, Option B, Option C). · Using repeated sections. · Each Repeating section will have 30 controls · Not all the Repeated sections will be used. |
Database and lookup to main list | 30 Columns |
Any suggestions/advice this list design?
Ryan Greenaway Mike M Tomasz Poszytek Paul Crawford Vadim Tabakman
Can you please advice on the list designs that I have prepared?
Which is the best approach to handle the kind of form?
Thanks for your wonderful idea. That's my initial design to split the lists. I came up with following list design
List Names | Columns |
Main List (General Information, Request Number is main column, Requested Date, Requested by (Current user), Current Date etc. ) | 8 Columns |
Project Information and lookup to main list | 16 Columns |
Commercial Information and lookup to main list | 19 Columns |
Supplier Chain Information | 5 Columns |
Options and lookup to main list | - 4 Columns (Basic Option, Option A, Option B, Option C).
- Using repeated sections.
- Each Repeating section will have 25 controls
- Not all the Repeated sections will be used.
Database and lookup to main list | 30 Columns |
Other’s Information and lookup to main list | 6 columns |
In their paper form, it’s a 6 page and when a user checks the specific options such as Option A (each one has exactly same configuration ), Option B and Option C. Past partner created 25 columns each for options that amounts 75 columns.
That’s why I am planning to use repeating section and get just 4 columns instead of 75 columns.
Can you please suggest, how could I use automated ID which you suggested for all the lists? In my design each list will have its own ID.
Mike M Ryan Greenaway
Is it possible to save Nintex Form data rather than custom list? I will be saving minimum within list such as Requestor Date, Approved by fields etc and store max info inside the Nintex form.
How it can be done?
Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.