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We want to configure email and exchange with office 365 online .

In this case what would be ews url and mail server ? Any idea ?

Good day ProInception


In this link they walk you through setting up Exchange with office 365. I hope this will solve the issue. In the URL of this document, you will see a K2 Five version is specified (5.1 in this URL). You may change the K2 version number according to your environment. If any more information is required please feel free to ask.

If the hyperlink does not work, you may use this link:


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Best Regards



Hi ProInception


EWS URL is ""


If it give you error saying "The EWS URL could not be validated"


You must do the following bellow:

1. Proceed with installation when K2 Setup Manager prompted that the EWS URL cannot be validated.

2. Once done, go to [Program Files]K2 blackpearlHost ServerBin, and open ConnectionStringEditor.exe

3. Select your Exchange connection string, and change Autodiscover to False

4. Create a simple workflow and test.



