Alternate Methods Of Assigning A Signer To A Dynamic JotBlock

  • 11 January 2022
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Note: Everything described here is also applicable to signer attachments in addition to JotBlocks

For either embedded text or XML defined JotBlocks, there are alternate mechanisms for identifying the signatory to whom a new JotBlock is assigned. These methods will not be needed if the JotBlock was previously defined and a signatory was assigned via workflow configuration.

A direct mechanism is to include the SignatoryEmail attribute. It must match a signatory email being passed in the document submission XML.

A common scenario occurs when document rendering is done with embedded text JotBlocks via a process not associated with the production of the DocumentNOW submission XML. In this case, the document creation process may not have access to the signer data. In order to support dynamic assignment of such newly defined JotBlocks the name of a parameter may be passed instead of an email address, specified in the SignatoryEmailParameterName attribute. The parameter name provided here must either match the user-defined parameter name provided when the parameter was created for the template or a pre-defined system parameter name (ex. “Signatory 1 Email Address”).

If the signatory email address is known, it could be specified directly as shown:

{{!##{Name:"CustomerInitials",InputType:"Signatory",FieldType: "Written",Border:"All",InkColor:"Blue",
Instructions:"Please use the mouse to write your initials indicating you agree with this section.",
Height:"0.05",Width:"0.15", SignatoryEmail:""}##!}}

If the document creation process does not have access to the signatory data, a parameter name could be passed instead:

{{!##{Name:"CustomerInitials",InputType:"Signatory",FieldType: "Written",Border:"All",InkColor:"Blue",
Instructions:"Please use the mouse to write your initials indicating you agree with this section.",
Height:"0.05",Width:"0.15", SignatoryEmailParameterName:"Signatory 1 Email Address"}##!}}

This second mechanism would require that a parameter have a matching name, as in the following subsection from a submit operation:

<Template Id="DCB79445-4D39-DD11-8735-00065B8CE99B"> 
<Parameter Name="Signatory 1 First Name" Value="John" />
<Parameter Name="Signatory 1 Last Name" Value="Doe" />
<Parameter Name="Signatory 1 Email Address" Value="" />
<Parameter Name="Signatory 1 Password" Value="jdoe1234" />

In the event that SMS is used instead of email for signing invitations, then alternate attributes that could be used in place of email related identifiers are:

Assigning Dynamic JotBlocks to a signer when using a V3.x submission using a Simple Setup template should be done by specifying one of

 In these cases, set the values to the Simple Setup sender input name that contains the value to use.

When creating an ad hoc document using a V3.x API submission, there is an additional mechanism for identifying the signer to whom a new JotBlock is assigned.  Instead of specifying the SignatoryEmail using the email address of the signer, you can specify the signer label.

So for a submit that contains a signer to whom the label "Signer 1" has been assigned as in the following JSON segment ...

POST /Submit
"request": {
"content": {
"signers": [
"label": "Signer 1",
"email": "",
"name": "John Doe"

... the following embedded text would assign the JotBlock to that signer by setting SignatoryEmail to "Signer 1":

{{!##{Name:"CustomerInitials",InputType:"Signatory",FieldType: "Written",Border:"All",InkColor:"Blue",
Instructions:"Please use the mouse to write your initials indicating you agree with this section.",
Height:"0.05",Width:"0.15", SignatoryEmail:"Signer 1"}##!}}

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