Adding and Editing Contacts in Nintex Customer Central

  • 24 June 2021
  • 0 replies



How to add and edit contacts in Nintex Customer Central. 



Complete the following steps when a Customer Central Admin needs to add or edit a contact within Nintex Customer Central: 

  1. Log-in to your Nintex Customer Central at
  2. Navigate to the 'Contacts' tab on the left hand navigation bar. 
  3. To add a new contact, select the blue button 'Add Contact'. 
  4. To edit an existing contact, select the three dots "..." to the far right of a contact's name. 
  5. If a Nintex University Training Seat needs to be allocated to a contact, and the option is grayed out, please see the 'Managing Training Seats for Nintex University' Community Knowledge Based Article. 


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