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I created an Apex REST API to aggregate a bunch of record information and fed it to my Skuid REST model without any issues. Recently I made the MyDomain update that changed our internal SF domain. This has caused my model data to not be loaded anymore, giving me the error seen below:

I’ve tried updating my Remote Site settings, Connected App settings, Data Source and Authentication Provider to use my new domain; none of these have solved my issue. Does anyone else have any experience with this situation?

First of all, good call in doing the My Domain update — you’ll be in a much better place after this is all settled. 

If you copy the full URL for the popup and paste it into a text editor, you should be able to see a “redirect_uri” URL Parameter, can you paste that piece of it here? 

Also, can you grant login access to Skuid Support? 

Thanks for the response! I included the entire URL and bolded the redirect URI parameter below: I've also granted login access, let me know if you need anything else.

Eulogio, can you confirm that you have added this Callback URL to the list of Callback URLs in your Connected App?


That did it Zach, thank you so much!!

I originally had this URL which was working before the My Domain update: https://thebroadcenter–

Just leaving this here in case anyone else runs into similar issues.
