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If I have a variable {{Search_This }} which is equal to:

https: //www. google .com/we bhp?sourceid= chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS576US576&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Boot Ranch-Eagle Watch Pinellas County Florida&tbs=qdr:d,sbd:1&tbm=nws

Can a “Collapsible Wrapper”  use {{Search_This}} to search and present the web page inside the wrapper.

I have manipulated searches through using the URL. Certain websites, like youtube, have URLs set up in a manner that they can be custom searched based on model properties. For example:{{Name}}+{{Artist_of_Track_Custom_Object__c}}

However, these pull up a new window or tab and do not show on the actual skuid page.

I have not heard of any method of having an external website appear within a section of a skuid page. This sounds like it would require custom javascript in order to accomplish.

You might be able to put it in an iframe inside of a template and then put all of that in a collapsible wrapper. Skuid doesn’t recommend or support this method because we cannot know exactly how other websites are set up. I can’t promise anything, but that could work. 

Let us know if you find a way to accomplish this goal.

Hi Bill -

The CW is just a container for other components (similar to a grid), it doesn’t provide the ability to “search” or display another webpage.

Stephen is spot on here, the only way to accomplish what you are after is to use an iframe.  An iframe is required so that the search results from google are rendered in their own web page.

Your only other option, also as Stephen mentions, is to write a custom component that would use the google API to retrieve the search results and then display in a custom formatted view.  One option for this would be to take those results and fill a model.  From there, you could display the results in a Skuid table.