First Time Import of Users - any hints and tips?

  • 24 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 2
Badge +6

Hi we are new users to Promapp and about to embark on a first bulk upload of users. We are using the import template provided. We already have some users and roles and responsibilities populated so a bit nervous about over-writing or duplication. Does every column in the template have to be populated or is it optional based on what we need to import. Users are set up with SSO which are IT department manage so wondered for example if the email address column would need populating etc. Any hints and tips of what we should be considering would be appreciated. Thanks

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi Claire,

Not every field will need to be completed, but the name fields, email, username, and Promapp role will be required. Roles/responsibilities can't be overwritten, only added to; if you need to go back add more later.

When users are uploaded, you also have the option to notify or not notify them. You should determine if you are ready or not for them to begin to enter the system; however, once you choose "no", this cannot be undone. You would need to do your own "campaign" to notify the user group outside of Promapp then to let them know they have access.

If their log-in matches their SSO principal (typically these are both emails now), the accounts should merge and retain all information once it is set-up.

You should likely decide if you want them to log-in with SSO or not before notification goes to them. If you do wish for them to use SSO and that is configured, you may want to upload them to have their roles ready and such, but not notify and run an email outside of Promapp encouraging them to log-in.

Additionally, below are sample instructions when using SSO and creating users:


Enabling the “Sync user details with SSO provider” feature will allow users in your Azure environment to Login to Nintex Promapp for the first time and a “User” will automatically be created in Promapp for this person.

If “Sync user details with SSO provider” is disabled then the Promaster will need to create a User in Nintex Promapp prior to that same User attempting to login via SSO.

Nintex Promapp login names should match their User Principal Name.

You can update Nintex Promapp user names (if need be) by exporting the user list and changing them in the csv file and importing the list again.
