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Hey guys,


I’m working with the prehistoric sharepoint 2019 on premises version of nintex, and I am facing an issue. Would any of you know how to solve or know of a work around for the following problem.

I want the keyuser to be able to assign people that need to give feedback on a document. I used an assign flexi task that sends emails to the people in a collection which is filled from the form in the item properties of the document. Unfortunately, the feedback column in the assign flexi task appends responses multiple times instead of just once. How can I resolve this issue in a task?

I have added a powerpoint presentation including images that describe the issue of saving feedback twice instead of once per task. I look forward to hearing from you guys. 


Kind regards, 



Hey Imtiaz,

This is the Process Manager forum, you’ll likely get a quicker response if you post into the Nintex for SharePoint forum:


