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IT process/task automation in the context of RPA often begins with a comprehensive analysis of the process in question. This commonly involves (but is not limited to):


  • Walking through the entire process with the key business users
  • Reviewing the involved application screens & UI, perhaps taking screenshots, documenting user input/clicks/decision points, etc.
  • Reviewing process variants, dependencies & constraints (such as SLA, KPI, and so on) and how a process potentially fits into the larger picture


The goal of all of this is of course to understand the process, so as to be able to automate it, efficiently. This is necessary and extremely valuable and Kryon Process Discovery makes this easier than ever before!


However, the answer to the following question should override all of this at the end of the day: "What is the actual output/result of the process?".


Consider the following example: A complex process involving a host of user interactions with various business applications results - ultimately - in the update of a record in a database. Could this update - somehow - be achieved in a more direct fashion?


This is just one example, of course, but this question leads to a much broader discussion.


I would encourage everyone to always focus on the results/output of a process first and foremost! Considering that being being effective means doing the right things and being efficient is doing things right, we want to think about being effective, first! Efficiency then follows.


First figure out the right thing to do, then worry about how to best do that thing!


Kryon RPA then serves you as an easy to use, low-code platform to do these right things in the best way possible!


"The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency." - Bill Gates

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