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Is anyone aware of a way to change the favicon on Cloud SmartForms? Is javascript and a CDN the best way?

The references/articles I’ve found are focused on-prem, so any insights would be appreciated.

Hi there,


Yes, the easiest way would be to inject the favicon using custom JS:
var link = '<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href=""myIcon]">';


Hope this helps!


Thanks, Gem, that does help.

Is there any way to host that image on the report server anywhere? Upload it locally somehow? Or do I have to link to an external CDN?

Thanks again,

FYI ​@gemw18 

Hi there,


Yes, there are a few ways to do this. One way is to upload it to “System\Controls\Image\Forms Image” SmartObject, and then use “/Runtime/Image.ashx?ImID=xmyIconId]” as the href in the link mentioned above.


Hope this helps,


Thank you, that appears to work as I had hoped!
