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For an approval task, I pick a group which is an Active Directory group. 


If I tick "Create individual tasks for all group members", I'm getting this error:


Error in request approval action. The user to assign the task to has resolved as blank text.


If I untick "Create individual tasks for all group members", there are no error however, no email notification is sent. 

This is using the same group


My questions are:

- In theory, are the email notifications supposed to be sent when assigning an approval task to an AD group ? Like is nintex capable of getting the members of the group from AD and then send email to each? 

- Why would the error about blank text occur in one case and not another  ?

- When you use an AD group in sharepoint, is it talking to AD directly or is it actually a Sharepoint Group that happens to be the "synced" version of the AD group ? (I suspect the latter but I'm a newbie self trained SP admin)


Many thanks in advance 


Nintex interacts strangely with AD groups for some reason and only kinda works (see: 


I suspect that your safest bet would be to create the group as a SharePoint Group of individual members, and try using the SharePoint group instead.


