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Hello there,

I am stuck with below issue since few days. 

I have a panel and inside panel have a repeating control.

Using jquery i am now trying to delete the rows in the panel of repeating control but the size of the panel is not reducing.

trying as below

Foreach repeating section row , 

NWF$(".repeaterclass .nf-repeater-row").each(function(index){

I had to use above code to speed up the activity at background. If i am using NWF$('.nf-repeater-deleterow-image').click(), then it is resizing but taking a lot of time as there are around 110 rows.


I found few posts to resize to use like below. in my case i replaced label class with repeater control class

NWF.FormFiller.Functions.ProcessFillerControl(NWF$('.theLabelClass'), NWF$('.formFillerDiv') ) ‍

But no luck.


Thanks and Regards in advance,





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