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I have migrated Nintex form from onpremises to O365 environment. I have custom JavaScript’s includes , Custom CSS includes and custom java scripts with Nintex form. I have migrated these custom javascripts in site asset libarary in O365 site. These javascript includes was ref


while saving the Nintex form and opening on preview Edit mode, I am getting below error on developer console and Nintex form is not loading - 

Uncaught TypeError: self.selector(...).kendoEditor is not a function
at Object.self.create (Nintex.Forms.SharePoint.Preview.min.js?v=DRdJy0jbOOJG_ZFuz6qMUA6LbC4dcBR6v2htFPFo7pM1:9442)
at Object.self.create (Nintex.Forms.SharePoint.Preview.min.js?v=DRdJy0jbOOJG_ZFuz6qMUA6LbC4dcBR6v2htFPFo7pM1:9116)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (Nintex.Forms.SharePoint.Preview.min.js?v=)
at c (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4)
at Object.fireWith ias resolveWith] (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4)
at Function.ready (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4)
at HTMLDocument.q (jquery-1.10.2.min.js:4)


I am not sure about kendoEditor tool and how it is setup with O365 Nintex form. 


Can you please help me to resolve this issue?




Did you find any resolution. I am facing similar issue as well. 

The best way is to debug the JS line by line. Just add a debugger; in your code and to proceed step by step using F10 in the developer console.
What's also possible is that tokens were not migrated correctly. If you use tokens (item properties, workflow common, variables, etc. )
just delete them and put them back. Please also be sure to paste your JS in the form settings in plain text, without formatting.

We recently migrated from SharePoint 2010 to Office 365 and face the same issue with one of the Nintex forms. Even after removing the Javascript from form settings the issue remains.


What  other areas should we look into to make the Nintex form working.
