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Hi All,

I am facing issue with Out of office configuration. I had try to set up OOO from Workspace as well as Managment console but still work items are not being forwarded but still going to the original user only.

I trried to refresh Identity as well but still its not working. I am having K2 Five (5.0002.1000.2) version installed.

Any idea what will be the issue.





Hi K2 Developer


This is known issue especially from previous version , please try to reconfigure again using the following steps and links:-


Out of office is not working - work items are not being forwarded to delegates 


When configuring out of office for users it is not working. The work items are not being forwarded but still going to the original user only. You may observe this issue with out of office both from the K2 workspace and from the worklist. 


Basic thing to check first (and this is being overlooked quite often) is work list filter settings for your destination user - it can be customized and consequently this user just doesn't see these tasks because of filter settings. There is an icon with a wrench in the top right corner of worklist which will allow you to see/adjust filtering settings.

If filter is not an issue it is worth trying to force identity refresh for both users (original and delegate). Once this is done for both users please retest out of office functionality. If it still does not work check K2 host server logs.

There is also a number of other possibilities here. Please refer to the other community KBs:
Out of office does not forward assign task to specified user
Out of office configurat​ion 

See above.

Alternation :- There's also a fix pack available for that


Should you find the above information useful please mark as "Accepted Solution and/or Kudo" , this will help others to tackle similar issues in future.


pK2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member]


In amendments to the mentioned solutions follow up with relevant links

Hi Nik86,


Out of curiousity, does the Out of Office feature work with a different user?

In the past, we have seen similar issue when there was a loop between the two users that were set in the 'In the Office' scenario. Can you run the following SQL to check if this is the case?


Select 'OOF Setup FOR: [' + [A1].ActionerName + '] TO: [' + [A2].ActionerName + ']' as OOF,
'[' + [A1].ActionerName + '] Status is: ' + CASE WHEN [A1].Status = 1 THEN '[OUT of Office]' ELSE '[IN Office]' END as Status
From [Server].[Actioner] [A1]
Join [Server].[ActionerShare] [as] On [as].ActionerID = [A1].[id]
Join [Server].[ActionerShareWorktype] [aswt] On [aswt].ActionerShareID = [as].[id]
Join [Server].[Worktype] [wt] On [wt].[id] = [aswt].WorktypeID
Join [Server].[WorktypeShare] [wts] On [wts].WorktypeID = [wt].[id]
Join [Server].[Actioner] [A2] On [A2].[id] = [wts].ActionerID
order by OOF


Hi Widson,
I am getting below message when i try to navigate
"You are not authorized to access this page"
Hi khanh,
There is no loop. its not working for any user

Hi K2 Developer


Just as 






