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Hi K2 Community,

I have been testing different K2 Five installations scenarios with a PROD license and in both instances a stand-alone or farm configuration, K2 Host Server process will not start --this is a new installation, not an upgrade--. HostServer*.log files always have the following exception:



"7582","20*personal details removed*:53:56","Error","General","0","ErrorMessage","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostLoadBalancedServerManager.Poll","0 System.Exception: Error (500) Internal Server SourceCode.Configuration.Client.Extensions.RestSharpExtensions.EnsureSuccess(IRestResponse`1 response)at SourceCode.Configuration.Client.ConfigurationClient.GetServices()at SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostLoadBalancedServerManager.Poll()","system","","ServerName:D:Program FilesK2Host ServerBin","7582","3e4fda2b8f1646228765d4bbf50f512d","""7688","20*personal details removed*:53:56","Error","System","2001","ServerStartError","SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerEngine.StartHostServer","2001 Error Starting Host Server: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an SourceCode.CloudLinkService.Badger.BadgerLinkService.Initialize(IServiceMarshalling serviceMarshalling, IServerMarshaling serverMarshalling)at SourceCode.CloudLinkService.CloudLinkService.TryInitialize()at SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerEngine.EnrollHostableTypeInstance(IHostableType HostableTypeInstance)at SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostTypeLoader.InitAndEnrollHostableType(String HostedTypeName, String InterfaceName)at SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostTypeLoader.InitAndEnrollHostableTypes(String InterfaceName)at SourceCode.Hosting.Server.Runtime.HostServerEngine.StartHostServer()","system","","ServerName:D:Program FilesK2Host ServerBin","7688","0c7d75e3ec50404ca4dac6d11ae5326f",""



If you notice the error is thrown by the Pull() function in class HostLoadBalancedServerManager.


I installed the Network Load Balancer feature in Windows Server 2019, without configuring it and the same message was thrown. Then on another attempt, I installed again NLB, but this time with a cluster configured; K2HostServer loaded without any issues.


Furthermore, in also I installed a brand new K2 Blackpearl (with a developer license) in Windows Server 2019, all ran correctly, then copied some of my existing artifacts with K2 Blackpearl Package and Deployment tool, and finally, I upgraded it to K2 Five. Everything ran correctly, and no errors were thrown.


So I wonder is there's some kind of bug with new K2 Five installations in Windows Server 2019 that is forcing me to install and configure NLB? or perhaps I overlooked a requirement from the Prepare your environment in K2 Five installation guide.


This was using K2 Five 5.3 since the compatibility matrix confirms Windows Server 2019 is compatible.


Thank you,




Is this a new K2 environment, with new K2 database, or did you restore a backup of a K2 database from elsewhere, then attempt the installation?


Hi  @boringNerd ,

Yes, the error is thrown on a brand new K2 Five installation. The second installation I was referring to was on a different Windows Server 2019 stand-alone server, in that one I first installed K2 Blackpearl, then I use K2 P&D to deploy Blackpearl processes and ran the K2 Five upgrade; this installation went smoothly.


I don't want to use this second installation for my K2 Five PROD, in this one I want a pristine K2 Five environment.


Thank you,



I ended up configuring NLB with one NIC in the server so that the installation could start up K2HostServer.exe. Everything started up fine. Setting up NLB with a single network card is way too weird, but I just can assume the initial start-up routines of K2 were looking for the existence of NLB.


After making sure it was okay I went ahead and deleted the NLB cluster configuration, restarted the server and K2HostServer started without any complaints. HostServer*.log only show the missing MSMQ error log --which is annoying since K2 Five no longer uses MSMQ.


Definitely something funky about that setup. I just hope I don't run into the same issues when deployment K2 patches.


Thank you,


