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I am currently working on Nintex Automation Cloud form that is very lengthy and will take a lot of time to complete. There are 10+ steps and each step takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. Is there any way to save a form after each step or to save mid form? I feel like there will be scenarios where staff could get halfway through the form and then have internet issues or get a phone call and then lose all the data they have previously entered. Has anyone encountered a form/scenario like this?

Enable save on your form. Add  instructions on form telling them to save and to visit my nintex to resume. 

Test if save button overrides the saved form in my nintex.... if you push it over and over again because that i do not know.

Perfect, that will work nicely. Thank you! 

Test if save button overrides the saved form in my nintex.... if you push it over and over again because that i do not know.

I’ll do some testing and let you know how it behaves. 
