K2 blackpearl Frequently Asked Questions

  • 16 February 2021
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K2 blackpearl Frequently Asked Questions


K2 blackpearl 0807 to 4.6.10
K2 blackpearl 0807
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This KB contains Questions and Answers with regard to K2 blackpearl.



Creating multiple list items from a repeating InfoPath Form

Question: Is it possible in K2 blackpearl to create multiple SharePoint List Items from a repeating field/group within InfoPath?

Answer: To create multiple SharePoint List Items from a repeating Field/Group within InfoPath, perform the following steps:

    1. Run the Destination Rule in Advanced mode.
    2. Select the Plan per Slot (no destinations) option from the Destination Rule Options wizard screen.
    3. On the Destination Rule Options wizard screen drag select the Select a list field to determine how many slots should be created option and select the repeating node by using the ellipse button to browse to the relevant Field or Group.  This will determine how many slots must be created and events in that activity will now be executed equal to the number of repeating nodes.
    4. In the event where you want to use the data that was read from the repeating node, use the Instance Data property found in the Workflow Context Browser as shown below.  If there are three repeating nodes, for example, three slots will be created at runtime.  The Instance Data property on each slot will contain the value for each item in the repeating node, from top to bottom.


Process Start Association

Question: I have created a process that will start when a new document is created by dragging the start when new item created option onto the design canvas in K2 Studio. I want to change the Process Start Association to be start workflow manually, but when I drag this option onto the Start Activity it simply appends the option in the description. Is there a way to verify which method is going to be used to start the process or another way of changing the Process Start Association?




Answer: Perform the following steps:
  1. Launch the SharePoint Workflow wizard.
  2. Go to the welcome screen of the wizard and select Advanced Mode.
  3. Navigate to the Start Options wizard screen and select the relevant options.

Process Instance Status

Question: How do I go about as the originator of a process to see what the status is of the process instance I just kicked-off?  How do I get to the View flow of the process instance I just kicked-off?  When I open the process portal I see all kinds of other information I'm potentially not allowed to see or I see lots of links that do nothing?

Answer: One solution would be to have a process specific SharePoint status list that you update when the process kicks off and populate the view flow link into that list.  This way anybody with access on the list can see where the process status.   Another option would be to  have the process send the view flow link to the originator using an email event at the beginning of the process.  Alternatively an option that does not require the process designer to do anything would be to have a reporting services web part on the SharePoint page that looks at the Process overview report.  this will show the user all the reporting for the processes that they have view or view participate rights to which includes the view flow links.  Also keep in mind that the process portals can be personalized.  The original process portal is only an out of box configuration, but administrators can create new sites with the available web parts for end-users.

Task List and History List changes reflected in SharePoint

Question: I have two SharePoint Lists with two Task / History Lists. My SharePoint Workflow Integration process was initially bound to the first Task / History List and deployed. I now want to change the workflow to use the second Task / History Lists. What steps should I take to ensure that these changes are reflected in SharePoint?

Answer: Perform the following steps:

  1. Change the Task / History List name to the name of the Task / History List in the wizard configuration.
  2. Unassociate the SharePoint Workflow with the List.
  3. Perform an IIS Reset.
  4. Deploy the SharePoint Workflow Integration workflow.
  5. Start the Workflow.


Viewing the View Flow of the Process Instance

Question: How do I go about, as the originator of a process, to see what the status is of the process instance I just started? In other words, how do I get to the View flow of the process instance?

Answer: There are a few ways of doing this:

  • As a Process Designer, you can have a process specific SharePoint status list that gets updated when the process starts, which populates the View Flow into that list.
  • As a Process Designer, you can also have the process send the View Flow link to the originator using an email event at the beginning of the process.
  • Alternatively, add a reporting services Web Part on the SharePoint page that looks at the Process Overview Report.


SharePoint Workflow Integration and InfoPath

Question: Is it possible to configure a SharePoint Workflow Integration process with an InfoPath wizard? If it is possible which integration takes precedence and which integration will get edited when running the Process wizard? Will the order in which they appear in the workflow matter when designing a process like this? And finally, could you please explain how you can have an InfoPath Client Event associated with a SharePoint Event Process?

Answer: InfoPath Client Events can be used in a SharePoint Workflow Integration process. The following matrix depicts what is supported and what not:

Supported Functionality Matrix
  SharePoint Event Process Definition InfoPath Process Definition Workflow Integration Definition InfoPath Client Event Workflow Integration Client Event
InfoPath Configured Process Image Image Image Image Image
Workflow Integration Configured Process Image Image Image Image Image
SharePoint Events Configured Process Image Image Image Image Image

This will mean that you will in fact have two process wizards in one workflow. These process wizards exists separately and neither one will take precedence over the other. When editing the Process Wizard you will have to select which one you would like to run. These two process wizards can be used in any order.

To illustrate how an InfoPath Client Event can be associated with a SharePoint Event Process, create a Workflow Integration or SharePoint Event Process as you would normally do. Drag an InfoPath Client Event onto the design canvas. The InfoPath Process Wizard will start, supply a source form and destination location. Do not supply any Process Start information. Complete the InfoPath Client Event as required. Supply a list to associate to, this is only required if no Workflow Integration Client Event was used.


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