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I want to set the emty value in smartbox datetime type column form the smartobject event used in worklfow.


1. created datetime type datafield, assinged it empty date as default value.

2. used the smartobject event and save mathod to update the datetime column in smartbox

3. used the above datefield colum in save method.


But the date is not changing to empty.



I'm not sure if your answer centers around the date field being a key value or having to use the scnull, or something else.  Check out this post it may help you!  :)

This is the answer, need to upgrade k2  versoin :(

@YPawar I guess upgrade won't make any difference for this specific issue. I just retested this on latest version of K2 available at the moment (4.7 May 2017 CU FP2) and you can use SCNULL to set DateTime column value from workflow. The only option/workaround here is to agree on using the very first value of the DateTime datatype range instead of zero to signify empty value. Everybody will see that this is the invalid/"not real" date and it is possible to agree that it means "date not set" :)
