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Unable to populate List of Actions in DropDown List

  • 17 January 2017
  • 3 replies

In a smart form I am trying to populate a drop down list with a list of outcomes from a workflow activity without any success.  I am trying to do so with the SmartForms client event with K2 studio being the workflow editor.  These are the steps I've done and hopefully someone can tell me if I'm missing something.


1) Create a smart form/view with a drop down:

In k2 designer I created a view with a sigle drop down list, then I create a form that uses the smart form


2) Wire the form into a workflow

In the workflow designer in k2 studio, I created a smartforms client event and and under the "Actions Display Settings" window, I have dragged the listbox from the view I created to the Selection Control box  the under Use an existing list control to display the actions' section.  

The activity has two actions ( Approve and Deny ) so I'm expecting when the Form is loaded, the drop downlist should have two entries for each.


I save and deploy the workflow, but when I view the form, nothing shows in the drop down.   Is there anything else I need to do to get this to work?



Have you opened the Form in Designer and checked that the rule was properly configured? Was the form checked in when you attempted to configure the wizard? 

Assuming that you have configured you outcomes in K2 studio you need to hook that in the form by using the rules "open a worklist list item" and "action a worklist item" along with the serial number as a parameter. When using the Open a worklist item rule, you pass the SN and the DropDown control, the outcomes are then added to your drop down based the activity the user is presented with via the client event notification. If this doesn't work for you and you expect it to, then delete the activity in K2 studio and recreate it. I have had to do this once or twice in the past when getting same issue. Make sure your URL is configured prperly in the client event and includes the serial number as a parameter. Once you have this working in your view you can then use the Action a worklist item elsewhere on a button form example to progress your workflow. The "Open a worklist item" rule should be confured as an initialization event in your view with a single drop down.


This is what I was looking for.  I was trying to figure out where you can specify which drop down control to use.  For some reason it wasn't being configured properly and is it possible, like @ScottPK2 was saying, that I needed the form to be checked in for the workflow editor to be able modify the form correctly.  I tried to set this up several time but without luck.


Once I configured the "open a worklist list item" it all worked perfectly.  Thank you, this has been driving me crazy.  The place where you set it up in the workflow editor made it seem very straightward, but trying trying to debug this has been a pain.  Now it makes perfect sense. 


The place where you configure it in the workflow editor would have been a nice shortcut if it worked without a hitch, but since it didn't work for me, it only obsured the actually mechanism for making the form work, making it harder to debug. 
