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Hi community, 


I am facing a situation where i am supposed to migrate users from domain AAA to domain BBB, but instead of changing the domain under K2.Server.Actioner, i accidently created another record. Now i am seeing K2:AAAuser and K2:BBBuser.


1. What is the impact of having both records inside K2.Server.Actioner ? 

2. What would happen if K2:AAAuser is updated to K2:BBBuser and there are 2 records of K2:BBB in K2.Server.Actioner?

3. Which other tables in K2 database uses the ID from K2.Server.Actioner and would need to update and change those task's ID from K2:AAAuser to K2:BBBuser ? 



Hi K2 Developer


  • I personally understands the facts of your Problem: Domain migration
    I would suggest to keep the old domains until you have K2 Server running in the new domain. It is also recommended to disable Out of Office on all users worklist.

    All the users are stored in [K2Server].[dbo].[_Actioners] table. After the domain change, you can update these records to reflect the new domain details.

    Please follow this KB to change the K2 domain.

    Please follow this KB to add additional domain.

    There must be trust established between two domains. You can redirect the tasks from DomainA to DomainB.


Kindly feel free to Mark as "Accepted Solution, Kudo and/or MeToo" if you find this information answered your question or leads you to the answer,as this will assits other K2 researchers.


Thank you,


Hi Wildson,


Thanks for the prompt reply. Unfortunately, I was not able to see, not authorized.


I do understand that each record is unique due to the ID. But how does the user handle all his task (past and current, completed and ongoing). If the task is tagged to the old domain ID, will the users still be able to access/action on all task? 


Hi  @chongseng;


Thank you for the feedback, i managed to absorb content from the problematic link as follows and i also hope it give give you necessary clarity.



Migrate AD users to different AD


Here is the response from Dev:
"Running instances of which the Destination Rules have already been executed, iow. Active Client events (Worklist Items) may be switched to another User by means of “Redirect”, you can take a (Client event Instance/Slot/Worklist Item) and redirect the item from AD2User to AD1User, this can be achieved by using either the User’s Worklist in Workspace, or using the Management Worklist in Workspace

There are no means by which to change the Process Originator of a Running / Active Process instance as these values are stored during Process Starting and does not change"

So based on this, I think the best option would be to run both AD servers in parallel. Once the users are migrated to the final AD, redirect any tasks for users on the old AD to the new one. Once any processes started with users on the old AD have completed, then finish decommission of the old AD.


Should you find this information helpful to your problem, kindly mark it as a "Kudo and/or Accepted Solution" as this will help others seeking for relevant information in future.


Thank you;



