DocumentNOW V3

  • 11 January 2022
  • 0 replies

The DocumentNOW® interfaces are a bundle of services made available as web service methods. URLs are exposed from within the installation, as well as examples of utilizing the various methods.

Version 3 (V3.x) are designed to support REST methodologies, and can be used with Simple Setup templates.

Earlier SOAP methods that works with classic templates are documented here.

Current API references:

Envelope and document operations:

From the API documentation page, you must first sign into your AssureSign account to test methods directly. For live use of the APIs, you must first authenticate via an API user. These operations must be targeted to a specific environment on which you have an account. For example, sandbox operations should be directed to the following if targeting the 3.6 version of the methods:

The site URL in which an account is located is shown in your account settings (or after signing into your account, you will see the URL where you are running from in the browser address bar).  Your calls must include an Authorization header including a token obtained from an authentication operation performed using an API User. The header should be added in the form:

Authorization:bearer tokenvaluewillbelongandpresenthere

Your calls operate in the context of an account, specified in a request header you must add to calls. The Account Context Identifier can be accessed in your account settings, and should be applied after the AssureSign username (an email address) in the form:

 X-AS-UserContext {username}:{DocumentNOW Account Context Identifier} 

Methods include:

Authentication operations:

The preferred current method of authentication requires the configuration of API users. Operations must be targeted to the central account domain and include the version number of the API:  

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