Code Fix: Slider control enhancements on the value indicator popup

  • 16 February 2021
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Code Fix: Slider control enhancements on the value indicator popup


K2 Five 5.2
K2 Five (5.2) Fix Pack 18


Issue Description

The following enhancements were done on the slider control:

  • The Slider control value indicator popup can now be disabled or enabled in the control settings.
  • The Slider control value indicator popup will now move according to where the control is situated on the view or form.


  1. Ensure you have K2 Five (5.2) installed.
  2. Download the K2 Five (5.2) FP18 from K2 Partner and Customer Portal.
  3. Install the K2 Five (5.2) FP18 to apply the fix.
  4. It is recommended to refresh the browser cache.


After installing the Fix Pack, the .js files might be bundled and will not refresh. If this occurs, you need to switch bundling off, perform an iisreset, clear the browser cache and refresh the browser. You can then switch bundling on again and the changes will load. 

To prevent performance issues on a mobile device, it is recommended to use the slider control with a maximum value of 100 characters.


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