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how to autopopulate a people picker using lookup field?


I have a lookup field in the nintex form which is pulling from SP list. I want to autopopulate the people picker column associated with each lookup field from the list.


SP List:

Title                        HRname  (Data type is people picker)

ORG1                    Person 1

ORG2                    Person 2

ORG 3                   Person 3

ORG 4                   Person 4


So in my nintex form ORG is list lookup and based on the selection of ORG HRname should be auto populated.




Best answer by rhia

Hi there -

If you don't need for this to work on Mobile, then you can use lookup(), and then use a workflow to put that data into your column.  In a List Lookup, you can't do a defaulted "one item" response (as in, even if you only returned 1 item, your user would still need to click into the dropdown.)

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  • Novice
  • March 25, 2018

Hi there -

If you don't need for this to work on Mobile, then you can use lookup(), and then use a workflow to put that data into your column.  In a List Lookup, you can't do a defaulted "one item" response (as in, even if you only returned 1 item, your user would still need to click into the dropdown.)




I have done this in my last project with a different organization. So, it is possible to populate a single item of people picker. I completely lost with the run time function what i have used. 

Here in O365 the structure is lookup("list title", "column to filter on", value to filter on, "output column") which is different from SP 2013 nintex.

Would you be able to write up for me incase i missed something here.


  • Author
  • 21 replies
  • March 28, 2018

Hi Rhia,

Finally i found solution to this. 

Used lookup runtime function.


1) Organizations is the lookup list name

    Title     HR

ORG1      HR1

ORG2      HR2

ORG3      HR3

In my nintex form i have organization field which is list lookup field. HR should be auto populated in the other field as shown below.

This formula is used in the calculated value lookup("Organizations", "ID", Organizations, "HR").  

But output should be replaced with another calculated field. since it shows with the string values.

Use replace(HRName, "[0-9]*;#","")   here HRName is the name of the lookup calculated field. 

Hide the other calculated field. 

I answered this as someone might find it useful.


So I want to auto-populate a person that my workflow will send an approval task to based on the Program/Project selected.  I've got the lookup based on Program Project selected to work with other fields, but the list the workflow works from that I want to populate to has the field listed as a "PERSON or GROUP".  The field in my lookup list is also listed as PERSON or GROUP but I cannot get the form to populate and also cannot choose to the correct field, Deliverly Leader, to connect to from the drop down list.


Below is what I see when I try to create the rule in the calculated value field.



@faulchie when you created that people field in the list, did you check the box for "Add to all content types"?  I just ran into that issue and that was my solution, I had to recreate the column I was looking for in the form and it showed up instantly.


@jacquenv I just tried this and it did not work  :-(

I did get some additional runtime values I could select from but didn't work as far as being able to connect to the list.  You are using Office 365 and you are using the People or Group field?




@faulchie Yup, using O365 and several people fields in 3 lists!  I have a big travel authorization workflow that I get a few people from plus a list for budget accounts where I get the person or group based on that (containing several people and group fields) and I have an out of office list that I grab any delegates to the task for.   The fix I mentioned above was the only reason any of my columns wouldn't show.  I even use a calculated field to get the email address of the person that they typed into the people field. 


Maybe you can't "calculate" a person.  Maybe you need to have the user type into a field the person but then have a text column to write the value you are extracting such as an email.  Here is my formula, the InitiatorPeople is my people column and the "username" is the property I am extracting which is just email: userProfileLookup(InitiatorPeople, "UserName") 



@faulchie Also, maybe having the people field auto populate upon the user interacting with the form isn't a good idea.  Maybe figure that out in the workflow after the user submits.  That's what I do when I grab the users manager and the approval hierarchy from the budget accounts.



@faulchie yup, I was right, I can't see any of my people fields as an option on my calculated fields on the form


@jacquenv thanks for all the help!  My only concern with not having a people field is that the workflow reads the field which is what it uses to generate the the task for the approver, and following appovers, (4 in all).  I'm a Nintex Novice do you happen to know if the workflow will work if I can update to auto-populate with an email address instead of the people field?



@faulchie I'm new to Nintex as well.  In my workflow I get approvers and people from both the form (people they picked and the initiator) plus I grab the supervisor via Active Directory, then I have lists that I grab people and groups from inside the workflow but I do not calculate and save the people directly into the form or the table.  I'm sure you can write into the table via the workflow using an update activity but I have not because there is no need in my workflow, I log their signatures into the table (as their display name and the date).


Another thing, you can do simple query activities in the workflow to query the lists with the people in it or if those people are in AD, you can use the O365 Profile query.


This is interesting, then I have lists that I grab people and groups from inside the workflow but I do not calculate and save the people directly into the form or the table.   I'll have to see if I can get that to work.  However I think when I updated my list settings to allow management of content types I broke something.  Now I get an error message, regarding Source Parameter being null, so I have to figure out how to fix that before I can work on more the auto populating 



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