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Updated to 11.2 I click Update out of date themes button, click confirm. I then briefly get “Updating themes please wait” message then “Done updating themes”. But they are not, if I reload the themes page the Update button reappears, if I click it again the same thing happens. My pages are misbehaving - e.g. filters don’t display properly. Have tried logging out again. Using Chrome. Urgent problem - help please…

Have also tried in Edge - essentially the same thing happens but it takes a bit longer.

AN issue in both sandbox and production

Try filter, modified by me last 7 days. Seemed to kick start it.

Arne, thanks - no luck same behaviour

So I recorded the process using Xbox game recorder and an error message flashes up for literally 1 frame, so almost invisible. Having got the single frame captured the message is “There was a problem saving this Theme: xxxtheme” . Deleted the theme but the same problem above still persists but with no error message

I have one other custom theme which is used for a customer community page and when I try to clone it I get an error “failed to clone theme: :object Object]”. I tried to clone it with a different name and get the error “Failed to clone theme: ReferenceError: CleanCSS is not defined”

So I assume this is also corrupted but we need this theme for our customers and I cant delete if. Any help very much appreciated. 

Skuid Team,

I just installed 11.2 and I am seeing the same issue as Ben.  When I use the feature to Update out of Date Themes, the process seems to run and the button disappears; however; when I refresh the page, the Update out of Date Themes button re-appears.  This is happening in my Developer Org.

I also tried to create a new theme and was unable to do so.  There is an error in the console:  Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found).  This error appears for the following files






Thanks to everyone for surfacing the issue. It has been logged in our tracking system. 

Bill, thanks for confirmation,

Matthew - we need a fix asap on this - we have a number of pages that don’t display correctly with out of date themes. These are customer facing and critical.

A further bump - currently no text based filters on skuid pages work for us. And the text displays white on white. This makes much of skuid unusable for us and our clients. Help please

Hello All,

I wanted to take a moment to let you know that the team has found the issue, and this will be released in our next maintenance release, which we are hoping to have out ASAP. We will be sure to update this thread when the release is available!

Thank you,


Thanks, Josh!

Josh, as an FYI – I installed 11.2.1 and still have a similar issue. Feel free to connect if you want me to do some testing with you.

Hi Dan,

It is looking like the initial issue was fixed, but there may be a second, unrelated issue that is coming into play with theme updates now. It looks like the team already has a fix for the secondary piece of this that will go live with 11.2.2. I’ll keep you posted here with updates around when to expect that release as I learn more.

Thank you,



I installed this update to my developer org.  I am still seeing the same problem.  The update out of date themes process runs and the button disappears.  Upon reload of the theme page, the button re-appears.  I looked at the static resources and they show as updated.  Is there a specific way to tell if they were ‘updated’?



Bill, the last modified date will change if they’ve been properly updated and upon edit the theme composer will open said theme. I’ve noticed that themes that have been “updated” won’t open in the theme composer. 

@Bill and @Joe Could you open the browser console and hit Update out of date themes and let me know what error message, if any, that you see when running that? 

Joe – additionally, just to confirm, are you observing that any updated theme is not allowing you to open it to edit, or are you seeing that certain custom themes are exhibiting this behavior?  Any additional detail I can pass along to the team is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,


Josh - could you provide an update for us - this is a genuine problem for us.

Josh - could you provide an update for us - this is a genuine problem for us.

Bump Josh - please could you provide an update on the fix availability. Thanks 

Hi Ben,

I’m happy to share what we have on this in the community, but this is the same status I provided via email to you directly:

The issue regarding updating out of date themes continuing to surface after pressing that button should be resolved in 11.2.2 as mentioned in my message above from 6/18.

Regarding the issue you mentioned specific to the conflict with filters: The issue has been logged with our developers, but currently does not have an ETA that I can share, as further investigation is needed.

Thank you,


Josh, do you guys have an eta for 11.2.2? The themes failure is causing us major problems. I’d be very grateful for the fix asap. Ben


We expect 11.2.2 this week, barring any unforeseen setbacks. The key piece mentioned, is that 11.2.2 should remedy issues pertaining to updating out of date themes and the re-surface of the button. The issue related to filters is distinct from the fix for the other theme troubles mentioned, and will not be part of 11.2.2. I will continue to update you as the team works through these items.

Thank you,


Hello Skuid Community ~

This has been addressed in the new Millau 11.2.2 release which is now available on the Skuid Releases page.

As a reminder, Salesforce does NOT allow reverting back to prior versions of managed packages. Skuid always recommends installing new versions in a non-business critical sandbox environment to test all mission critical functionality before installing into a production environment. We also recommend that you update out of date themes when you upgrade.

Stephen, upgraded to 11.2.2 no joy - themes don;t update, button disappears, but dates don’t change. Still issues with the way filters display.

I really need this fixed. It has turned into a major problem for us. 
