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Ah, yep. Sorry, @Dave ! I managed to discover that last week when I was first setting up, but I didn’t make the connection to the problem you were having. 😦

Definitely needs a documentation update!

@Matt_Sones @skuid @Rob_Hatch @Anna_Wiersema

Hey Guys , all was working fine on Friday and now over the weekend SF pushed the new Release and now all of a sudden the External Data source won’t work at all. I tried even with authorization code and stored credentials, but cannot connect to data source

Is anyone having similar issues?


  1. what a bummer!

    Is it still working in your Spring '21 Sandbox?

Can you look at for both of your instances and let us know which patch of Spring '21 each is on?
If your Sandbox site is no longer working, do you happen to remember which patch it was on when it worked?
Is the external data source not working just in the public facing site, or also when you're logged into Salesforce and previewing the Skuid page?

@Anna_Wiersema It can connect to the External Data Source in Sandbox with no issue, but site page gives same error even from sandbox. All was working perfectly fine last week on both environment (on production it was running live with external SF DSO since thursday)

Any way you can assist me please, this is a huge issue and affecting us big time already?

Hi @Dave

  • ,

    What is the error message you are seeing on your site?

Can you look at for both of your instances and let us know which patch of Spring '21 each is on?
Do you know what Spring '21 patch your Sandbox was on when it was working?

On our end I’ve verified that this use case works in Spring '21. The use cases I checked were public Sites on

v2 - Boston (13.0.14) - Spring '21 Patch 8.5

v1 - Boston (13.0.8) - Spring '21 Patch 8.6


Hey Thank you for your assistance.

  1. The error we get is: Authorization Required: You must first log in or register before accessing this page.

If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot Password to reset it.

  1. Production is on 13.0.13 - Spring '21 Patch 8.5

Sandbox is on same skuid version, but no idea on patch at moment it was working (atm it’s on Spring '21 Patch 8.5)

  1. I completely rebuilt Data source , authentication., app … and now in prod i can connect to External SF as data Source

But the guest user cannot access public page with stored credentials

Public guest user & Skuid user, have been shared via Guest Sharing the Skuid page, the records, the VF page that handles redirect to the skuid page.

But i think maybe this is where the issue lies at this point. As if i use a test VF page , guest user can see it. So so far i’ve pinpointed issue with the following VF page: (even though it was all working fine last week in prod & sandbox with the same markers)

<apex:page standardController="Offer__c"
extensions="skuid.Redirects" action="{!redirect}?page=Site_offers">

Are these markers incorrect? Do i have to give guest user access to a class or something else for redirect permissions?
As well here's the Debug log when Guest user tries to access page

14:59:32.0 (150336)|USER_INFO|_EXTERNAL]|00540000003ZNMH||Greenwich Mean Time|GMTZ
14:59:32.0 (253568)|EXECUTION_STARTED
14:59:32.0 (290666)|CODE_UNIT_STARTED|AEXTERNAL]|066400000004VcI|VF: /apex/Unauthorized
14:59:32.0 (28521280)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{AND(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'), $Site.LoginEnabled)}
14:59:32.0 (35087886)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (35136909)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{NOT(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'))}
14:59:32.0 (35212571)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (35345120)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{$Site.LoginEnabled && ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}
14:59:32.0 (35386511)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (36534602)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{$Site.Prefix}/img/sites/force_logo.gif
14:59:32.0 (36573932)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (36647038)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{AND(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'), $Site.LoginEnabled)}
14:59:32.0 (36699811)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (36707715)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{NOT(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'))}
14:59:32.0 (36728727)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (36891838)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{URLFOR($Resource.SiteSamples, 'img/clock.png')}
14:59:32.0 (37427829)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (37485697)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{URLFOR($Resource.SiteSamples, 'img/unauthorized.gif')}
14:59:32.0 (37571486)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (37874279)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{$Site.LoginEnabled && ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}
14:59:32.0 (37914983)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (38948476)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{URLFOR($Resource.SiteSamples, 'img/poweredby.png')}
14:59:32.0 (39020002)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (39536530)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{URLFOR($Resource.SiteSamples, 'img/poweredby.png')}
14:59:32.0 (39619144)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (40293206)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{AND(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'), $Site.LoginEnabled)}
14:59:32.0 (40389114)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (40404407)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{NOT(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'))}
14:59:32.0 (40448541)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (40481552)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{$Site.LoginEnabled && ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}
14:59:32.0 (40511878)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (41556347)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{URLFOR($Resource.SiteSamples, 'SiteStyles.css')}
14:59:32.0 (41613433)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (41641331)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{AND(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'), $Site.LoginEnabled)}
14:59:32.0 (41689316)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (41697514)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{NOT(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'))}
14:59:32.0 (41719080)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (41740789)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{$Site.LoginEnabled && ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}
14:59:32.0 (41756499)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (42035729)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{URLFOR($Resource.SiteSamples, 'SiteStyles.css')}
14:59:32.0 (42078388)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (42100172)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{AND(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'), $Site.LoginEnabled)}
14:59:32.0 (42138489)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (42145744)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{NOT(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'))}
14:59:32.0 (42163874)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.0 (42182323)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_BEGIN|066400000004VcI|#{$Site.LoginEnabled && ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}
14:59:32.0 (42196923)|VF_EVALUATE_FORMULA_END
14:59:32.43 (43944229)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE
14:59:32.43 (43944229)|LIMIT_USAGE_FOR_NS|(default)|
Number of SOQL queries: 0 out of 100
Number of query rows: 0 out of 50000
Number of SOSL queries: 0 out of 20
Number of DML statements: 0 out of 150
Number of Publish Immediate DML: 0 out of 150
Number of DML rows: 0 out of 10000
Maximum CPU time: 0 out of 10000
Maximum heap size: 0 out of 6000000
Number of callouts: 0 out of 100
Number of Email Invocations: 0 out of 10
Number of future calls: 0 out of 50
Number of queueable jobs added to the queue: 0 out of 50
Number of Mobile Apex push calls: 0 out of 10

14:59:32.43 (43944229)|TOTAL_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS_QUEUED|0
14:59:32.43 (43944229)|CUMULATIVE_LIMIT_USAGE_END

14:59:32.0 (44044491)|CODE_UNIT_FINISHED|VF: /apex/Unauthorized
14:59:32.0 (44057884)|EXECUTION_FINISHED
14:59:32.45 (45651380)|CUMULATIVE_PROFILING_BEGIN
14:59:32.45 (45651380)|CUMULATIVE_PROFILING|No profiling information for SOQL operations
14:59:32.45 (45651380)|CUMULATIVE_PROFILING|No profiling information for SOSL operations
14:59:32.45 (45651380)|CUMULATIVE_PROFILING|No profiling information for DML operations
14:59:32.45 (45651380)|CUMULATIVE_PROFILING|No profiling information for method invocations
14:59:32.45 (45651380)|CUMULATIVE_PROFILING_END

Hope this is enough info to find issue, if want to do a screenshre or need me to shared access, let me know


@DaveI’m not using redirects, and I’m not using standard controlllers, so I’m not sure if the use case is the same. I’m successfully using the skuid:page vf component, like so:

<apex:page readonly="true"
title="Your Title Here">
<skuid:page page="Your_Skuid_Page_Here"/>

Thank you for that Matt, but unfortunately it did nto work for me, user still getting unauthorized acess

as well in one documentation it says C. Make Sure the Guest User has permission to View Skuid pages.

But i get this error when I try to do so. Guest user has Skuid license assigned.

Could that be the issue?

@Anna_Wiersema @Rob_Hatch

Guys it’s been almost a week and still cannot figure this out why it’s no longer working. Can anyone please assist me in any way?

Regarding the Permission Set. You will not be able to grant the Defautl Skuid Viewer permission set to the guests user because it has Edit / Delete permission on several objects. (I think on Skuid Feedback ??).

You can clone the permission set and remove the edit and delete permissions and assign this permission set to the guest user.
