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I have a database in MS SQL Server

the database currently has 1 table with 10 columns

The table is populated with data.


I created a connection in Foxtrot to my MS SQL Server.

I want to do a Open Data - SQL

I fill in everything I can get a connection, I choose the database, and table.

In the data Wizard


I click next, and in the output I choose .mdb file I check the overwrite checkbox and I get this error.


Any help?



What version of Nintex RPA are you currently using?


Does the SQL Table contain at least one record?


If the SQL Table has no records, then yes, this error will be produced.  It must have at least one record in the SQL Table for the action to execute properly since, typically, the following actions will reference the record data.


Is there a way to ensure your SQL Table contains at least one record (record #1) and if it's a dummy record, skip the first record in your botflow?


Thank you,


Hi Eric, 
I'm using version 15.1.13 of Nintex RPA. 


Yes there is more then 1 record in the table.



Do you need the output file to me a .mdb? Because when I tested it, the default output file is a .accdb.


I also tested the .mdb and it worked so I am assuming it may be on the source file side. 


Can you check your computer and make sure you have Microsoft Access Database Engine 2016? If you have version 2010, we will need to update that.


Can you open a support case? You can paste this thread into an email and send to You can ask for me as well. My name is Michelle.


