Night mode or dark theme for Nintex Mobile (Windows App or iOS)?

  • 7 February 2017
  • 5 replies

Nintex Mobile users working in dark conditions find the app uncomfortable to use. Even with the lowest brightness on an iPad, users cannot comfortably/quickly switch between looking at the form and their surroundings, which raises some safety concerns. 


Since Nintex Mobile is severely limited in styling and colors (no CSS), we cannot set background and control colors. Can a night mode be developed, or is there a valid workaround?

5 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Perhaps with Nintex App Studio you'd be able to develop the branding that would allow for darker colours?

Mobile Digital Workflow Automation - Nintex App Studio 

I recently watched a webinar from Nintex where Vadim demo'd the App Studio, showing how branding could be changed - I believe the BG was dark grey. This might be an option!

Thanks! I will check out the demo and see what it can do and report back. 

Badge +6

Should definitely be possible with Nintex App Studio! Just build one, what do you think about it?

Best regards,


Userlevel 6
Badge +15

Yesss! Exactly what I had in mind. Nice!

I think I'd go grey instead of white on the text - but maybe that's just me.


Badge +8
Our users are requesting this now, too. Specifically, requesting dark mode or dark theme for Nintex Forms 365 (new responsive designer) in the browser. I tried to give them something myself, by inverting background and text colors, but it had several drawbacks. For instance, on our read-only text controls, it switched the font to gray (which I could not change) while the background was another shade of gray, which made it difficult to read.

I want to see an offering for an option that the user can check to flip back and forth to enable dark mode, and then give the designer more ability to customize those colors.
