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Goal - fields set by Site WF will update the List for all items. 

2 date fields are required/start variables in the site wf - which kicks off an email with those 2 fields and a link to a new listform. 

Once the form is begun, the user can save/continue later  - and then submit.  The list workflow will kick off upon new item and update the item name, route through approvals then PDF the form and send to final destinations.  

HOW do I configure so that the Site WF, which has collected 2 date fields (stored in variables), will ALSO update in the listform fields (so the user clicks the link to open a new form and the 2 date fields are present) AND those 2 date fields are also populated in the list (for all items).  the 2 date fields do not change (until next quarter). 

Would this help you out? You can’t put a standard value directly on a Date/time field on form, but you can put it on a text field that you then convert to Date/time variable in workflow with a Convert Value action. You’d need to first convert the Date/time to string values to populate the url, you can use a FormatDate function in the Build String action for that, its one of the available Inline functions.

recap: I have a list with a Nintex listform. (that list will have a nintex list wf to route the form through approvals and final storage).  To kick off the entire process, I have a site WF.  The site WF will have 2 start variables: 2 date fields ( Qrt EndDate, DueDate) 

Those date fields currently display as expected in the sent email.  That email gives the reader a link to a newform link - the listform.  

  1. I have the 2 date fields in a string variables already to remove the time stamp - saved in a single line of text variable, using both variables in the email the Site WF sent


  1. HOW do I configure the Site WF to use those 2 variables dates to update the list for EVERY item created.  So that when the user clicks the newform link, the form displays the dates. *the 2 dates entered at the beginning of the site wf do not change per item

