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I want to implement a custom "workflow view" but I need to get access to:

the current task name ("activity name")

the current folio

the curent task instruction that are defined in the workflow

the possible task outcomes ("actions")


Is it possible to get those information?





Hi, you can try create Stored Procedure

for example:

WITH cte AS (

SELECT ps.[DisplayName] AS [ProcessName],pi.Folio,a.DisplayName AS [ActivityName],pi.Originator, aid.[User] AS [AssignedTo], wlh.[Data] AS [Task URL] --,wlh.InstructionField, pi.DelegatedBy --,aid.*  --

FROM [K2DB].[Server].[WorklistHeader] wlh

JOIN [K2DB].[Server].[WorklistSlot] wls ON wls.ActInstID = wlh.ActInstID AND wls.EventInstID = wlh.EventInstID AND wls.ProcInstID = wlh.ProcInstID and wls.Status != 4

JOIN [K2].[Server].[ProcInst] pi WITH (NOLOCK) ON pi.ID = wlh.ProcInstID

JOIN [K2].[Server].[Proc] p WITH (NOLOCK) ON p.ID = pi.ProcID

JOIN [K2].[Server].[ProcSet] ps WITH (NOLOCK) ON ps.ID = p.ProcSetID

JOIN [K2].[Server].[Act] a WITH (NOLOCK) ON a.ID = wlh.ActID

JOIN [K2].[ServerLog].[ActInstDest] aid WITH (NOLOCK) ON aid.ID = wlh.ActInstDestID AND aid.ProcInstID = wlh.ProcInstID AND aid.ActInstID = wlh.ActInstID

WHERE aid.[User] = 'K2:domainusername'



Thanks for your solution. But does this mean that a "normal way with normal built-in SmartObjects" is not possible? 🙂
