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Viewing Document Details

When drilling down to a specific document or Envelope from a link in a report, you will be viewing Document or Envelope Details.

Details Report Sections

  • Document Details
    • Provides you with
      • Document Name assigned at creation of the document in the AssureSign system
      • Order Number populated with the document as an external ID to link to an external record
      • Document Id, the internal ID of the document in AssureSign's systems
      • Username of the AssureSign user who launched the document signing process
      • Scheduled Expiration Date
      • Status of the document
  • Envelope Details
    • If the document is a part of an Envelope transaction, this will provide you with the envelope ID & name, user name, and dates (creation, start, scheduled expiration, and completion)
  • Milestones
    • Provides you with the date the document was created, started and completed.
  • Document Tasks
    • Provides you with operations that may be executed on the document, which may vary depending on the current status of the document. Operations include
      • View the completed document
      • View the document in progress (available if a document is not yet completed, and will be different than the unsigned document if any steps in the signing process have been completed resulting in the document being re-rendered)
      • View completion report, a summary PDF containing document and signing history
      • View the original unsigned document
      • Cancel this document, available if the documented has not been completed
      • Modify the expiration date, available if the documented has not been completed by entering the new date the document should expire
      • Modify the completed document password, so that access through any external links to the completed document will require entry of this password
  • Signatories
    • If the document is not completed or expired, you may modify signatory details such as the email address and password. This section will also display the number of JotBlocks required for the signatory to sign along with the number of JotBlocks already completed.
  • Signing Process
    • If a particular stage in the signing process has not been completed, you may add, edit or delete notifications, including emails and DocumentTrak notifications. You may also resend an email if the link is available as a reminder for the signatory to sign the document, or resend a DocumentTrak notifications.
  • Document History
    • Lists the status of each stage of the document signing process in chronological order. Note that the time displayed will be relative to your current timezone display settings.

For more information on how to read the history of documents and envelopes, refer to this guide.

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