Prior to activating Migration tooling for Nintex Automation Cloud, you must have a Nintex Automation Cloud Tenant.
On-Prem Tooling Activation
To activate On-Prem to Nintex Automation Cloud tooling reach out to the Account Manager or Customer Success Manager for the account and provide the Nintex Automation Cloud Tenant ID to activate the tooling on. This can be found by navigating to the Tenant and User Details section of the settings page in Nintex Automation Cloud.
After activation, the option for the Upgrade Center on Workflow Inventory page should show in the Nintex Automation Cloud tenant:

O365 Tooling Activation
To activate the tooling for Nintex Workflow for O365 to Nintex Automation Cloud tooling, log in to Customer Central and navigate to the Upgrade Center page. Once there click on the Schedule Upgrade button:

Fill out the form and toggle the activate your upgrade tooling now button to ‘yes’:

For Step two, check the box that you already have a Nintex Automation Cloud tenant.
In Step 3, provide whether to activate tooling for a site collection or an entire tenant, and provide the Tenant ID and Tenant URL along with the Site ID and Site URL if required.

After submitting the form, the upgrade tooling should be activated on the tenant or site. This can be verified by navigating to the site or tenant where the tooling is activated, and accessing the Nintex Workflow for O365 app is installed. A banner saying the ‘Upgrade Tooling has been activated’ on the workflow inventory page will appear:

Nintex Automation Cloud also requires a SharePoint Integration be set up for the tooling to function. To set up the integration navigate to the Settings page of Nintex Automation cloud and select SharePoint Integrations. On the SharePoint Integrations page:
Select Add New
Select the appropriate SharePoint Online connection
Specify the SharePoint Online URL to the site, site collection or tenant as appropriate
Select the scope of the SharePoint Online integration
Ensure that the option to allow users to select Nintex Automation for O365 check box is selected.

After that the upgrade tooling should be enabled for the scope selected.