Is it possible for an In-Line Js Snippet to execute each time a UI-Only field’s value is changed (without saving ofc, as Ui -only field won’t keep value…)
So each time Ui-Only field named : paid_percentage is changed for this inline-snippet to run
var params = arguments[0], $ = skuid.$;var model = skuid.$M(‘FundingPerformance’);
var row = model.getFirstRow();
var dateVar = row.Effective_Balance_Date__c;
var daystoadd = row.days_to_add;
var newdate = row.Date_percentage_reached;
//convert from Salesforce date to Javascript date
var jsDate = skuid.time.parseSFDate(dateVar);
//add days
jsDate.setDate(jsDate.getDate() + daystoadd);
//convert from Javascript date back to Salesforce date
var daysAdded = skuid.time.getSFDate(jsDate);
model.updateRow(row,{Date_percentage_reached : daysAdded});
snippet to execute each time UI field's value is changed (without saving)

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