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Switch Function: Choosing a Nintex List path to operate the Switch Function.

  • July 15, 2022
  • 17 replies
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Hello everyone & good morning.

I need help setting up a Switch function at the beginning of my Workflow.  Switches are easy and straightforward, but with one little problem.  It requests a "Select the variable to evaluate."  Since I want the Switch to choose the List Name of "Problems", there is no variable to choose from, since that is the List's name.

Any thoughts?

Thank you.




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17 replies

  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 15, 2022

hi @Underdog 


Can you explain what is it that you want to accomplish?


  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 15, 2022

The Switch action is part of the Workflow Logic and Flow group. Other similar action include Run If and Conditional Branch 


Illustrating using the value of Priority column (Low, Medium, High)


Run If (Assess 1 condition) - Run only when condition is met

example Run If - Priority equals High


Conditional Branch (Assess 2 condition. IF and ELSE)

The YES path is taken when Priority equals High

The NO path is taken when the Priority equals Low or Medium


SWITCH (Assess multiple conditions)

The LOW path is taken when Priority equals Low.

The MEDIUM path is taken when Priority equals Medium.

The HIGH path is taken when Priority equals High.






  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 15, 2022

Hi Garrett,

Thanks for the response.  I have seven questions that will be attached to the Switch (in my example I just used two for brevity).  But my dilemma is I need to connect the "Problems" List with the Switch, which I'm unable to do.



Switch with seven questions:


To set up Switch "Select the variable to evaluate."  The "Problems" List is not a variable and I am unable to choose it.






  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 15, 2022

The SWITCH action is not for switching List.


The SWITCH is for evaluating a (workflow variable / list lookup / workflow context) value.

example: is the Priority - Low, Medium or High


The SWITCH will only take 1 path and ignore the rest.


I think what you want to do is to evaluate all 7 questions - A State Machine action probably fits your need better.


Can you list down step-by-step what you wish to do?
Can you provide example data - like the 2 records of the list?



  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 15, 2022

Thanks Garrett.  Let me look at your recommendation and get back to you.


  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 15, 2022

Hi Garrett,

The seven questions are asked on a Form (screenshot at the bottom).  Each question has four responses (answers).  Each answer has a number assigned to it (0,1,3,9).  My task is to translate the text answer into a number for each question, then tally all seven amounts into one amount, then apply that amount to a calculated priority text = "None", "Low", "Medium" & "High".

For instance, if all seven questions received Response #2, then each question would have a value of "1".  The tally total = 7.


Question #1:  Response #2 = 1

Question #2:  Response #2 = 1

Question #3:  Response #2 = 1

Question #4:  Response #2 = 1

Question #5:  Response #2 = 1

Question #6:  Response #2 = 1

Question #7:  Response #2 = 1

                                  Tally = 7

                                         7 = "Low" Priority

I need a function that will evaluate all seven questions.


List:  "Problems"

  Question:  Impact of the effort

    Response #1:  0|Neither driven by or impacted to business initiative

    Response #2:  1|Required to implement business initiative but no specific timeline identified

    Response #3:  3|Required to implement business initiative and a specific timeline identified

    Response #4:  9|Required to implement business decision

  Question:  High level estimate of associated savings

    Response #1:  0|No Improvement associated with effort

    Response #2:  1|$2,000 or less per year

    Response #3:  3|$10,000 or more per year

    Response #4:  9|Greater than $2,000 and less than $10,000 per year

  Question:  Revenue increase or expense reduction

    Response #1:  0|No savings expected.

    Response #2:  1|$2,000 or less per year.

    Response #3:  3|Greater the $2,000 and less than $10,000 per year.

    Response #4:  9|$10,000 or more per year.

  Question:  Risk Avoidance

    Response #1:  0|No risk avoidance.

    Response #2:  1|Minimal risk avoided in 1 or more of the following areas.

    Response #3:  3|Moderate risk avoided in 1 or more of the following areas.

    Response #4:  9|Major risk avoided in 1 or more of the following areas.

  Question:  Initiative Cost

    Response #1:  0|No estimate cost.

    Response #2:  1|Greater than $10,000.

    Response #3:  3|Greater than $2,000 less that $10,000.

    Response #4:  9|Less than $2,000.

  Question:  Complexity & Implementation Risk

    Response #1:  0|Uncertain of interdependencies, level of effort, and complexity.

    Response #2:  1|High Complexity; significant interdependencies with other projects, programs, or teams.

    Response #3:  3|Medium complexity; few interdependencies with other projects, programs, or teams.

    Response #4:  9|Low complexity; minimal or no interdependencies with other projects, programs, or teams.

  Question:  Urgency

    Response #1:  0|Not provided.

    Response #2:  1|No specific timeline has been identified for implementation.

    Response #3:  3|Timeline to implement is flexible.

    Response #4:  9|Timeline to implement can not be negotiated.






  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 15, 2022

State Machine.  Seven Questions.



  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 15, 2022

Hi @Underdog 


Let says below is your partial list for 3 Users responses (you may have other columns)

ID UserName Ans1 Ans2 Ans3 Ans4 Ans5 Ans6 Ans7 Score
1 User1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
2 User2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  
3 User3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3  

Ans1 - Ans7 (This is the response 1-7)

Question: What value do you save as?  A|B|C|D or 1|2|3|4 or 0|1|3|9 (as text)



1. Create a integer variable "intScore". Assign 0 (zero) to it

2a. Evaluate Ans1 with a Switch (I'm storing Responses as A|B|C|D)

ID UserName Ans1 Ans2 Ans3 Ans4 Ans5 Ans6 Ans7 Score
1 User1 A B C A B C D  

2b. We assign a value for the answer intPoint. (similar to step 1)

2c. Then we perform some maths. IntScore = IntScore + IntPoints

3. Copy the Switch and the DoCalc for the other 6 Answers.

4. Save the final Score to the SP Score column


Hope that helps







  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 15, 2022

Whew.  That's a lot!  Well .. let me look at that information you've sent me.  Thank you!



  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 15, 2022



  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 19, 2022

Hi @Underdog 


How was my suggestions? Did it help to resolve your enquiry?

Let me know if you need further assistance, clarification or explanation.




  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 19, 2022

Hi Garrett,

So far, the suggestions look good.  I've attempted to complete my Workflow with the concept I had in mind, blending suggestions you've made - the big one being the State Machine.  THAT was of great help.  I've written out the Workflow in long-hand.  I know your suggestions will substantially reduce the coding .. but I'll have to take them up on a second pass.  I've got the flow to sum a score from the seven questions, and summarily send me an e-mail with said score.  My last item I'm working on is taking that score number and translating into text: "None", "Low", "Medium" & "High".

If you have any pointers, that would be greatly appreciated.

Gratefully yours,





  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 19, 2022

Hi @Underdog aka Brian


Easy one, here you go


You have 4 values - "None", "Low", "Medium" & "High"

I'm not certain what score goes where.

so I assign the values as follows

- 75 or more => High

- 50-74 => Medium

- 25-49 => Low

- Below 25 => None


Solution: Nested Conditional Branch

The variable txtOutcome is used to store the "None", "Low", "Medium" & "High" value

For the Second and Third, there is no need to state both conditions [score is >= 50 and < 75], this is already state as the NO path from the previous Branch. Understand?


First Branch: Evaluates whether score is >= 75

Yes: Assign txtOutcome equals HIGH

No: Second Branch (Score is < 75)


Second Branch: Evaluates whether score is >= 50

Yes: Assign txtOutcome equals MEDIUM

No: Third Branch


Third Branch: Evaluates whether score is >= 25

Yes: Assign txtOutcome equals LOW

No: Assign txtOutcome equals NONE



Let me know if you need any clarification on this Nested Branch thing




  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 20, 2022

Hi @Underdog 

How did you end up with 28 variables?


I am only using 2 variables POINT and SCORE. There is 7 Do Calc actions.

You can basically copy the structure of Question 1 to create more questions.


You have 7 questions and each questions has 4 possible answers? 7Q x 4Ans = 28 variables?


Just curious





  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 20, 2022

Hi Garrett,

Well .. I've created a working flow that works.  So much of what you've advised has really helped me out.  Once the folks here sign off on the workflow, then I'm going back to incorporate more of your suggestions, which will improve the flow.  The variable "Conditional Branch" was the cherry on top of the cake and helped finalize the workflow .. handling correctly the summation of the 28 variables.


So, I've got my homework .. and many, many thanks.  If there's someone I can write to express my gratitude on your behalf, please give me their contact information.


All the best to you!











  • Scout
  • 904 replies
  • July 20, 2022

Hi @Underdog aka Brian


Great news!!



  • Author
  • 74 replies
  • July 20, 2022

Excellent.  Done.  Will do!




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