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AssureSign: UpdateSignatory

Nintex Employee

Code Sample in C#

The UpdateSignatory operation allows for automated update of Signatory attributes, which may include:

  • EmailAddress – Optionally specifies an updated email address to use for the specified signatory. If provided, this must be in the form of a valid email address.
  • MobilePhone – Optionally specifies an updated mobile phone to use for the specified signatory. If provided, this must be in the form of a valid 10 digit phone number.
  • FullName – Optionally specifies an updated full name to use for the specified signatory. If provided, any values provided for FirstName or LastName will be ignored.
  • FirstName – Optionally specifies an updated first name to use for the specified signatory. If the signatory name was originally provided as a full name (not as a separate first name and last name), a last name must also be provided.
  • LastName – Optionally specifies an updated last name to use for the specified signatory. If the signatory name was originally provided as a full name (not as a separate first name and last name), a first name must also be provided.
  • Password – Optionally specifies an updated password to use for the specified signatory.

When set to true, the optional ResendLastEmail flag triggers the last email for that signatory to be re-sent after the signatory information has been updated.  Likewise, ResendLastSms triggers the last SMS (text) message sent to the signatory.

The UpdateSignatory operation requires knowledge of the following:

  • the Document ID of the document to which the signatory belongs (this is returned as an element in the returned XML from the Submit operation introduced above)
  • the AssureSign account ContextIdentifier (this is exposed in the AssureSign administrative application account settings and serves to provide some security to the transaction)
  • the AuthToken of the document (this is returned as an element in the returned XML from a document submission operation)
  • one of
    • The SignatoryID, which can be obtained via a ListSignatories call. If a Signatory ID is not specified, a SignatoryEmail or SignatoryMobilePhone must be specified.
    • The SignatoryEmail or SignatoryMobilePhone. If a Signatory Email or Mobile Phone is not specified, a Signatory ID is required. Note that there may be valid business reasons to add a duplicate email or phone number to identify different signatories when creating workflow; however, an error will be returned if multiple signatories are found when passed via an UpdateSignatory operation. In this case, it will be necessary to pass the unique Signatory ID in order to perform the update.


Sample XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<UpdateSignatory xmlns=""> 
        <SignatoryUpdateRequest ContextIdentifier="06C4A84A-693C-46CB-8DF2-40A8215AA056" Id="2CE11EF1-8938-DD11-8735-00065B8CE99B" AuthToken="8CC9A84B-693C-46CC-4342-40A8215AD76A" SignatoryEmail="" ResendLastEmail="true">
            <UpdatedSignatoryInfo EmailAddress="" /> 

The SOAP Action header is

The result returned will indicate whether the update operation was successful:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<UpdateSignatoryResponse xmlns=""> 
        <SignatoryUpdateResult Id="2CE11EF1-8938-DD11-8735-00065B8CE99B" SignatoryId="95DD027C-8238-DD11-8735-00065B8CE99B" SignatoryEmail="" Success="true"/> 

The SignatoryUpdateResult should be checked for the presence of an Exceptions element, which may contain multiple SignatoryUpdateException items.

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