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How to apply filtering to an Editable List View on Multiple drop-down List Changes 

  • February 24, 2022
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Nintex Employee

How to apply filtering to an Editable List View on Multiple drop-down List Changes 


K2 blackpearl 4.7
K2 blackpearl 4.7
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Where you have 3 drop-down list controls and you click on these drop-down list values to filter only the selected values and display them in an editable list view.

Before You Begin

Using an unbound rule you can filter the data in the editable list based on all the selections made in all three of the drop-down lists. The unbound rule can then be called on each of the drop-down list change events, this will result in the view being filtered based on the first selection made in the first drop-down and then when the second drop-down is changed, the filter will execute again but without losing the filtering selected in the first drop-down. Instead the view will then filter based on the selections made in both the first and the second drop-down lists (the same applies to drop-down three as well). This will allow multiple filtering to take place on different controls.

How-to Steps

1. Create a SmartObject and add three different Properties to it. In this scenario the following was used:

  • Name (Text)
  • Surname (Text)
  • Age (Number)




2. Create an Editable List View from the SmartObject and ensure that this SmartObject is the Editable List Data Source.



3. Edit the Editable List and add three drop-down list controls.

4.Navigate to the Rule Breadcrumb tab and add a new rule (Do not provide the rule with an Event, instead just rename the rule), this will create an unbound rule which can be recalled eused in other rules.

Configure the Unbound rule further to resemble the images below:



5. On each of the drop-down lists "Change Events" you would need to call the unbound rule. To do this locate the rule called "Execute another Rule" which can be found at the bottom of the Actions tab.



6. Save, Finish and Run the view.

*The behaviour will be noted as per the below tested scenario screenshot. Filters has been applied based on the selections made in each of the drop-down lists without losing any of the filtering made in the previous drop-down selections.



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